Old Folks Thread

What do you mean Dom?
Sorry for the typos it has been a long work weekend.

I mean that when transitioning from full time work to retirement, I see a lot of web and other info about transitioning TO something.

I personally feel you have that covered thought I don’t think we ve met because you have pursuits - this blog, your family, skiing, biking and ‘Dacks are more than enough to keep you happily occupied.

You have a mix of mental, physical and social stimulus.

That seems good to me. Yeah there is change in moving anywhere but I can tell you have some local relationships like w at cork, etc.

So weather this was a long term plan or not, from all non financial aspects your in a good place.

And from your boglehead posting is looks like good financial place (but that last part is not what you are asking about).

I think the same sense is coming out from posts here like Warp Jason Peter and all others.

Best D.
They moved my job to NJ and/or Mass. toward the end of my career.
The younger folks had to make a decision.
Mine was to ask if I could get out 3 months earlier than scheduled.
They said Yup then asked me later on if I changed my mind and wanted to go.
Twas a no brainer.
Severance was 56 weeks pay with benefits, then I turned 65.
Sometimes ya just get lucky.
Ha, yeah, I hate Saturdays now. ..

Actually, every day is more like a sick day you called in for when you really weren't sick.
The NY State just gave kids a new Holiday. It’s The Lunar New Year.
First one, since the new legislation was signed, is Saturday Feb 10th. Nobody goes to skool on a Saturday.
Do the kids get off Friday or Monday or wait till the next one?
You be livin right bro.

I do like my work, but it's a never ending to do list I can't quite keep up with.
You be livin right bro.

I do like my work, but it's a never ending to do list I can't quite keep up with.
I understand.

I work 7-3, Mon - Thurs, 7-1 on Friday. It's the first time in my adult life that I'm not working weekends. It's so awesome!

I took a major cut in pay, but at this point in my life, time to myself and my girl, are #1.
I got up 3:30 am
Drove 1 hr on my feet til 2:15 ish. Sunday thru Wednesday. Just couldn’t do it any more.
Camp nice schedule. Enjoy!!
Wife isn’t happy I’m sitting around wasting time. The bathrooms and floors don’t get that dirty :rolleyes: