NY Ski Area Closing Dates 2021

Labs last open day was the 22nd.
Forecast now is 4-6” Thursday.
Possibly re-open Song Friday and/or Saturday.
It ain’t over till it’s over.
April fools storm lacked packin a punch.
It’s over for Song this season unless we get an Act from God.
Believe it would make Saturday the 27th as Song’s last day.
Fun season for the times.
Belleayre last day Tuesday 4/6 with 21 dollar tickets the last 2 days. I guess they want to go past this weekend, but don't feel they can make the following weekend.
Saw this and was pretty amazed after skiing there yesterday. I bagged today just because it's a little colder than I expected.

Maybe tomorrow.
Royal is calling it quits. Last day today.
I actually got that one yesterday. But thanks for all your help with this thread @snoloco couldn't have done it without you.

Not that it is done, or fully accurate, but getting there.