NY Ski Area Closing Dates 2021

It was Tuesday the 23rd. Holiday Valley called it quits the 25th. And Willard isn't reopening this weekend so their last day was the 21st.
sig is that picture what it looks like now? (we are hoping to ski Gore next week)
no man. that was closing day a few years ago. top always has solid coverage. go up there till you can't ski anymore. then pick your way to the bottom.
Gore is so prime for downloading, I wish they would consider it.

Actually I bet if you got to the top of the gondi they might let you ride?
Gore is so prime for downloading, I wish they would consider it.

Actually I bet if you got to the top of the gondi they might let you ride?
I’m pretty sure you can always download the gondola, but the better answer is to download AE2. If they moved snow from Sunway to Wood In and lower Cloud they could keep HP open longer every spring. There’s already a download platform at AE2 for summer use.

The Adirondack Express would not work for downloading during ski season. It has only 25% downhill capacity, and in reality it's even less than that since it has to run at half speed, and that's assuming every 3rd chair is full, which would not be the case. The gondola has 100% downhill capacity and can run at any speed, so it's much better suited.
The Adirondack Express would not work for downloading during ski season. It has only 25% downhill capacity, and in reality it's even less than that since it has to run at half speed, and that's assuming every 3rd chair is full, which would not be the case. The gondola has 100% downhill capacity and can run at any speed, so it's much better suited.
To get to the gondola easily ya could just ride up top ridge lift. Is there another way to get there easily? No trails come down to that area from what I remember and see on the map.
Downloading the gondola requires the Topridge triple and Tannery, and Pine Not or Uncas, which are south facing. AE2>HP is all north facing and higher elevation than Tannery. You could add a couple of weeks to the season, and run a happy hour with $7 beers at the Saddle Lodge to pay for the added trail maintenance. Download capacity of the quad is adequate. It's not like everyone is leaving at the same time.

Have you been to Gore on that one fall weekend each year when they run both lifts? The Adirondack Express always has a big line for downloading because the capacity is so limited. It would be easier to just bury one route to the base with snowmaking and ski top to bottom. There's a reason no one downloads in the east except Killington and Sunday River early season.
Wait what? IF it's so easy to keep a trail to the base why did you propose downloading the gondola? The whole reason Gore closes is that they can't maintain a trail to the bottom. Downloading the quad is an inexpensive experiment that might extend the season a few weekends. You'll never know if the download capacity is adequate until you try it.
