New Member Intro

Hello all, I'm Mike obviously, I started skiing at Willard in 1959 as I grew up in Saratoga and skied a bunch there. I lived in the MRV for a long time, and now am back in NY. We live at the base of Titus, and get to Whiteface sometime. We also like to tour, and have been enjoying the Adirondack Park.
Hi everyone, I'm Jim. I am starting my 13th season as a ski instructor on weekends at Royal Mountain. I really enjoy skiing Royal but like to get other places when I can do it. I hope to share some good information about Royal on this forum. It's a great place for beginners and experts alike. Royal is not big, but there's plenty of challenging terrain, especially on the old T-Bar line and in the woods. Plus the worst parking spot is closer than the best at many places, and we consider a 2 or 3 minute wait to be a long lift line. Finally, since Royal is only open weekends and school holidays, a Tuesday snowstorm means a Saturday powder day.

I've been fortunate to ski a good number of other places over the years. In the northeast, my best days ever have probably been at Magic and MRG. Out west, I'd have to put Wolf Creek and Powder Mountain at the top of my list of best days.

For this season, in addition to teaching and skiing at Royal, I hope to take advantage of my first-ever Indy Pass purchase to try out some familiar and new places. I'm sure I'll also get in a few days at Gore. Hopefully a potential early February trip to Utah will also work out.
Hello all, I'm Luke. I grew up in Northern New Jersey skiing the Cats, Adirondacks, and Southern VT, spending many great days at Belleayre, Gore, and Bromley over the years. I grew up racing with my dad in several adult leagues, and I started a race team while in college, racing 3 seasons in the USCSA. My team was fortunate enough to race and train at many great indy hills: Plattekill, Magic, Middlebury, Whaleback, S6, and more.

I've been a reader of the forum for several years but figured it was finally time to join for good. My first military assignment after college has moved me to Seattle, WA, giving me the chance to bring some additional western coverage to the forum. I am temporarily in the Bay Area for work most of this winter, putting Lake Tahoe within weekend striking distance. I am an east coaster at heart but excited to explore the west and wherever else my job takes me.
Great intro, welcome EC_ex!
Hi, I'm Dan. Tried skiing at Mountain Creek in 2004 and did very poorly. Tried it again at Killington 4 years ago and had a great time. I live in Westchester, raised in NYC.

Been to Killi, Butternut, Windham, Catamount, Thunder Ridge, Mt Peter, Black Mountain. Favs right now are Thunder Ridge and Catamount.

Pandemic led to an unfortunate hiatus, and now Im dealing with covid, but I hope to get my ass out there soon!!!
Welcome. You made quite an entrance, I think Broski was right an intro was in order.

Feel better Dan, covid sucks. Hope it's not too bad.

Also it's Killy, if you must give Killington a nickname beyond The Beast or Big K. :)
Welcome. You made quite an entrance, I think Broski was right an intro was in order.

Feel better Dan, covid sucks. Hope it's not too bad.

Also it's Killy, if you must give Killington a nickname beyond The Beast or Big K. :)
Thank you sir, glad to be here. Stay warm!
Spencer here. I have enjoyed reading the forum and blog posts over the years. I reside in Upstate, New York (depending on who you ask, that geographical definition is very broad). I thoroughly enjoy the Finger Lakes region and all 4 seasons it has to offer. Home ski area is Bristol Mountain, I've skied there since I was old enough to carry my own equipment.

Feel fortunate to have sampled many ski areas in the East and West with great friends, family and my Dad over the years. The sport has given me much to look forward to in the winter months. Thanks to all who post content on here who help fuel that excitement!
Hi folks! My name is John and I joined out of an interest in history. I am an Adirondack historian with an interest in researching and writing about the history tied to peaks in the Adirondacks (having done so for at least 275 peaks). I've published articles in Union College's Adirondack Journal of Environmental Studies, Adirondack Almanack, and several club-related magazines and newsletters.
I am currently working on a compendium of the history tied to Gore Mountain, including details of the history of skiing on it. I have already written a detailed account of the "little red gondolas" once used on Gore.

Thank you @Harvey