Most Underrated Ski Towns

Saranac Lake:

"Not as cold as Paul Smith's."
It's a wonder of nature that black flies, or eggs, or whatever survives that and then blooms into menacing man eaters as soon as it's warm. And the colder the winter, the bigger and badder the bugs.
I played golf at Stratton with the ex on, oh, May 29 or close, and the forecast was 30s in the morning rapidly going up to 75 or 80 at 1pm, so I said, ha, I'll start in shorts and be comfy all day. I was the only one who made that mistake. I was bleeding.
Not as cold as Paul Smith's. I've seen it -5 in L.P. and -17 at Paul Smith's.
The temps that Saranac Lake reports are bogus. They take the readings from the airport in Lake Clear which is a notorious cold spot. They just like the attention of being the Cold Spot in the country, dubious distinction at best.
The temps that Saranac Lake reports are bogus. They take the readings from the airport in Lake Clear which is a notorious cold spot. They just like the attention of being the Cold Spot in the country, dubious distinction at best.
They get their weather from the station at the airport. Been there 60 years
I don't think it's out of the ordinary for weather stations to be located at airports.
"Lake Placid’s airport will receive $488,106 for the installation of weather reporting equipment. Adirondack Regional Airport in Lake Clear will get $804,758 to acquire new snow removal equipment."
