ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

I’m skeptical that the electric grid will be able to handle widespread adaption as well. “Charge at home overnight” is actually another upper middle class privilege. An awful lot of NYC residents park on the street. That’s another segment that will have a hard time switching to EVs
Every technology doesn't have to be used in every situation.
Every technology doesn't have to be used in every situation.
Yeah, that’s ok with me but the current push is to entirely replace ICE with EV, and in the short term, not in a hundred years. I don’t see how that ever happens.
I thought this was interesting and worth sharing.
Probably not cool to post a full article, especially one that is likely behind a paywall. Not trying to be a jerk, but it's my butt on the line not yours. Can you ad a link and excerpt it?
Yeah, that’s ok with me but the current push is to entirely replace ICE with EV, and in the short term, not in a hundred years. I don’t see how that ever happens.
Fear not, if it won't work, it won't happen.
Yeah, that’s ok with me but the current push is to entirely replace ICE with EV, and in the short term, not in a hundred years. I don’t see how that ever happens.
I’m excited to see the change to electrification which I believe will happen very quickly. Relying on one type of technology or fuel source however is just plain dumb. Currently China is making all of the batteries and chips. When, not if, the grid goes down we’ll be super fucked. An electromagnetic bomb or hacker can knock that system down easy. A volcanic or nuclear winter will quickly make solar useless. These are some of the reasons the armed forces are overlooking electrification and are betting on hydrogen.
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Probably not cool to post a full article, especially one that is likely behind a paywall. Not trying to be a jerk, but it's my butt on the line not yours. Can you ad a link and excerpt it?
Harvey - sorry about that - I am happy to do that but not sure I know how to go back and change my post. If it is relevant information, as noted the article is from, which I believe allows free access to a number of articles per a month. Please let me know what I can do remedy. Thank you.