ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

I'm getting one of these

You want to talk about range, it is an EV that for some tires got a 500 mile rating(!). I don't even know if ICE's get that.

The Lucid CEO is the guy who ran the Model S program at Tesla. For those of us who don't know, Tesla came very close to bankruptcy during that project, and it is arguably responsible for Tesla's success (the S is analoguous to the R1t/S - a mass produced Halo vehicle).
Tesla came very close to bankruptcy during that project
An old factory rep of mine was part of this. He lost his job due to the almost BK. He always said had that not have happened he would've been set (financially) for life. He's a great guy with big balls. To my knowledge he's still racing sport bikes at a high level.
Make an AWD minivan with 500 mile range and 1k pounds useful load capacity and I’m in... if it costs $40k or less.
This is what will be exciting to watch. If EV's can get competitive with their pricing that's when more people will start to pay attention. Right now it seems like those with money are the only ones capable of "saving" money by going EV. I say that because until all the cards are on the table I don't believe EV's will save a dime.
Make an AWD minivan with 500 mile range and 1k pounds useful load capacity and I’m in... if it costs $40k or less.
I agree with me crazy , but my fantasy vehicle right now is the toyota sienna awd hybrid...prefect for my bikes/ skis etc..
rides smooth and quite like a 70's caddy
problem it's north of 50k
I’m skeptical that the electric grid will be able to handle widespread adaption as well. “Charge at home overnight” is actually another upper middle class privilege. An awful lot of NYC residents park on the street. That’s another segment that will have a hard time switching to EVs
I’m skeptical that the electric grid will be able to handle widespread adaption as well. “Charge at home overnight” is actually another upper middle class privilege. An awful lot of NYC residents park on the street. That’s another segment that will have a hard time switching to EVs
It's all good for the electric grid. All revenue and not much cost, but you're right that it will be a struggle in some Brooklyn neighborhoods.

I agree with me crazy , but my fantasy vehicle right now is the toyota sienna awd hybrid...prefect for my bikes/ skis etc..
rides smooth and quite like a 70's caddy
problem it's north of 50k
My friend in Boston held out for the Sienna AWD hybrid as a replacement for the old minivan that was more than ten years old and well used. Had to wait about a year since she had planned to get a replacement in 2020. She loves it. I expect she'll keep it for 10+ years.
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