Huntington's Disease: Horrible illness that needs to stop YESTERDAY

Scotty, that’s so cool of you to raise money for that territo disease, and running a marathon wow!
I would like to donate to the cause, to get $ rolling I am heading over to a clients house now who I said I am going to donate what I make from them , stay cool and keep up the great posts, especially the food write ups
Thanks that a quote from someone running the marathon
I can't even hike any more Because of crazy loss of balance and internal body temperature being about 40 degrees hotter than actually temperatures and I have Huntington that I trying to get others to learn about it
My late mom had it to she only unfortunately had 10 years in nursing home from this fatal illness
I don't want that for me
I glad I no children because it genetic so it stops at me I hope pray that my loving entertainment little sister does not have it
Thanks that a quote from someone running the marathon
I can't even hike any more Because of crazy loss of balance and internal body temperature being about 40 degrees hotter than actually temperatures and I have Huntington that I trying to get others to learn about it
My late mom had it to she only unfortunately had 10 years in nursing home from this fatal illness
I don't want that for me
I glad I no children because it genetic so it stops at me I hope pray that my loving entertainment little sister does not have it
Okay Scotty, well I got $100 to put towards skiing for you, the guy I helped Saturday lost his wife in 911 she actually called him from the doomed plane that went into the Pentagon.
he then became the top lawyer in the country, ie justice dept highered him vs Hilary Clinton email (that’s when I knew she had no chance). Tom Brady highered him for deflate gate if it was going to Supreme Court , Apple highered him vs gov when gov wanted to acces someone’s phone, gov Cristie highered him to pass sports gambling, etc etc
a great guy really helps me out, since Harv doesn’t take contributions on here I see this as a way to pay it forward
Okay Scotty, well I got $100 to put towards skiing for you, the guy I helped Saturday lost his wife in 911 she actually called him from the doomed plane that went into the Pentagon.
he then became the top lawyer in the country, ie justice dept highered him vs Hilary Clinton email (that’s when I knew she had no chance). Tom Brady highered him for deflate gate if it was going to Supreme Court , Apple highered him vs gov when gov wanted to acces someone’s phone, gov Cristie highered him to pass sports gambling, etc etc
a great guy really helps me out, since Harv doesn’t take contributions on here I see this as a way to pay it forward
Thanks u that is awesome much much appreciated
We're in. NYSB is doing $2 a mile on the marathon.

It took me a while to figure out what was going on. You know that can be.
Thanks u that is awesome much much appreciated
You got it bro! This site is sweet, hopefully when this coved crap settles down we can make some runs sometime, that was cool stuff you wrote about your dad! when I had to help my dad before he passed the same lawyer paid for my round trip tickets to Florida 3 times so I could be there for my dad , stay strong and keep up the sweet posts
Scotty, side note, about 18 years ago my then boss called me saying “get the hell over to Olson’s, no one had ever spoken to Josh ( owner of our company) like that before (cursing big time) I roll up and there he was pulling on a broken garage door spring that our company installed (very expensive mahogany doors) 1st thing he said was my boss didn’t do shit! I said I know he is an asshole
turned out he had to pick up his elderly parents at the airport and that garage held his car, so I put on 2 pairs of gloves an extra jacket got my longest pair of pliers told him to stand back
I pulled the spring lose but it wipped my arm so hard he asked if I was okay and he was very concerned I said let’s get you to your parents, ever since he has been my best ally, I said this because people who curse can be the most helpful people in this country, like Camp seems to be.
When the NFL was going to not play on the 911 10 year aniversery guess who stepped in to solve the strike ? Yep same great guy! He is a Green Bay fan and they were to start the season in Greenbay, I am getting ready to head back over to his place and I will tell him how you help your dad, he will love it he is all about helping family and those that help theirs
HDBuzz: Sad News from Roche and Ionis - ASO Trial Halted Early
Disappointing news from Roche and Ionis; the phase III Tominersen huntingtin-lowering trial has been halted early


#HuntingtonsDisease #LetsTalkAboutHD #HDSAFamily
Huntington disease 2 potential ones trails stop for negative outcomes:
"""Tough news! Roche announced that it halted dosing in its historic Phase 3 Huntington’s clinical trial of its gene silencing drug tominersen, GENERATION HD1, because of unfavorable efficacy data, as seen by an independent review committee. “The committee recently met for a pre-planned review of the latest safety and efficacy data from GENERATION HD1 and made a recommendation about the investigational therapy’s potential benefit/risk profile,” wrote David West, Roche’s senior director for Global Patient Partnership. “Based on the committee’s recommendation, we will permanently stop dosing with tominersen and placebo in the GENERATION HD1 study.” This means that the drug demonstrated an “unfavorable efficacy trend,” an official of U.S. Roche’s subsidiary Genentech said. “This is brutal and I am absolutely devastated for our patients and families,” said Dr. Jody Corey-Bloom, the director of the HDSA Center of Excellence at UC San Diego. HDSA Chief Scientific Officer George Yohrling, Ph.D., called the news “devastating.” “HD families around the world had their hopes held high that this experimental drug could one day soon become an effective therapy for HD,” Dr. Yohrling stated. “While this is clearly not the news we wanted to hear, I am confident that in the coming weeks the Generation HD1 data will help the scientific community understand why tominersen did not meet its desired outcome.” The stop to the Roche trial underscores the fact that an effective treatment still eludes not only HD scientists, but also researchers of other neurological conditions. The conclusions about GENERATION HD1 – and possible next steps by Roche – will depend on the analysis of the independent reviewers’ explanations and all of the massive data from the Phase 3 trial. Fortunately, the HD research community has deliberately diversified the approaches to treating HD. Thus, companies like Triplet Therapeutics, Inc.??"
Not me but from people in Huntington disease trials that was cancelled?:
"""Huntington disease
"Just writing a quick post in response to some of the others about the Roche trial. I was in the trial and on the drug for sure, OLE group for over a year and definitely felt improvement. Below I am pasting data that Roche released a year ago, based on the 15 month timepoint for the 36 people who were in the phase I trial and were on the drug for sure. At this point of data collection these folks had been on the drug 15 months, in the open label extension, or OLE. You can see the overall average reduction in mutant Htt levels, and one of the later slides shows reversal of some other pathology that is common to neurodegenerative diseases. All of this data is incredibly promising. I completed doctoral work on HD in neuroscience in Chicago so was able to accurately interpret this very promising data and am really shocked it has been halted, especially since there has been no major adverse effects from the drug. I am going to try to contact folks at Roche"

From Huntington disease Facebook talk about disappointing result from trails:"In the wake of two deeply disappointing clinical trial updates in just one week, the Huntington’s disease community is collectively grieving the loss of drugs that might have provided the first effective treatments for this incurable disorder. As reported, on March 22 Roche announced that it was halting dosing in the firm’s historic Phase 3 clinical trial of its gene silencing drug tominersen because of unfavorable efficacy data. On March 29, Wave Life Sciences revealed that a similar effort – gene silencing drug candidates in two small, earlier-stage trials – had failed to lower the level of the mutant huntingtin protein in trial participants. The stall in the effort to transform this type of drug into an actual treatment in both the Roche and Wave programs has created one of the most frustrating moments for the HD community of the last several decades. With its usual resilience, the community and its leaders have responded quickly, organizing outreach events and furnishing resources to put the Roche results in perspective and provide ways to cope with the shock and disappointment. “It has been heartbreaking,” said Katie Jackson, the president and CEO of Help4HD International, which broadcast the panel discussion “Grief – When a clinical trial doesn’t go as hoped it is a loss.” “I started hysterical crying,” said MaryAnn Emerick, an HD family member, in an HDSA-sponsored webinar. I, too, have grieved the outcome of the Roche trial. I began tracking the program in 2008. Informed perspectives on clinical trials can perhaps help the community overcome the grief and disappointment. For example, it is important to remember that clinical trials are necessary scientific experiments that should not be considered failures. READ MORE in my latest article. "