Hunter Conditions

the alignment of the new lift is gonna be adjusted to make eisenhower and gun hill easier to find. hopefully that means more snow more consistently on gun hill

Yeah I know i'm a idiot.. But the only way to lap Ike/racers / gunhill is by using the triple.. Broadway chair empties bellow the F...
So they are moving the upper terminal into the mixing bowl?
I don't know the reason. But, IMO, the fact that all three owners didn't prioritize West means there probably was a good reason.
I wouldn’t be surprised if West eventually becomes a real estate play.
What everyone needs to understand is Hunter is the closest big mountain to NYC and Tri-state, the weekends are always going to be a zoo, and there is almost nothing that could change those factors, and of course it's relatively far South and accordingly has inconsistent snow and snow making, long time ago I spoke to an attorney in Greene County who said the State had restricted any further expansion to the existing footprint, [I don't know if that's true or not] , two things are needed, Of course more snow making [I can't think Hunter would ever be non profitable even with some additional costs but of course corporate will object gotta keep those stockholders happy] and definitely a serious remediation of the West Side, to do it right maybe a little flattening of part of Clairs [cue the screams] and a lot of work on West Way and snowmaking snowmaking, I know some will want to keep Clairs completely the same but if you want to relieve the front, making Clairs just a tad easier [maybe along one side] would do the trick , only my opinion.
What everyone needs to understand is Hunter is the closest big mountain to NYC and Tri-state, the weekends are always going to be a zoo, and there is almost nothing that could change those factors, and of course it's relatively far South and accordingly has inconsistent snow and snow making, long time ago I spoke to an attorney in Greene County who said the State had restricted any further expansion to the existing footprint, [I don't know if that's true or not] , two things are needed, Of course more snow making [I can't think Hunter would ever be non profitable even with some additional costs but of course corporate will object gotta keep those stockholders happy] and definitely a serious remediation of the West Side, to do it right maybe a little flattening of part of Clairs [cue the screams] and a lot of work on West Way and snowmaking snowmaking, I know some will want to keep Clairs completely the same but if you want to relieve the front, making Clairs just a tad easier [maybe along one side] would do the trick , only my opinion.
I agree..I have been skiing Hunter since 77.. 99% of the time, Clair's is the largest tilted ice rink in the world... If they were to tame Clairs and get Westway up and running it would take some pressure off of the front side...
Eisenhower is hard to find?

Simple - $$$$$$ saved by not blowing snow on the West.
They could save even more by not blowing (fill in the blank). There is a reason this specific terrain doesn't get snow.

Westway... they should narrow it. Even if you can't get trees to grow back, maybe a snowfence or...?
I wouldn’t be surprised if West eventually becomes a real estate play.
I thought it bordered on state land?

That some pretty boney territory. Think of the plinth issues!
The most important part of that article is that they’ll be repurposing the current lift to replace a Hall the learning area. So will it go to Plattekill for spare parts or Holiday to replace the chair by the highway?
I think spare parts. In recent years, Vail Resorts had been uninterested in selling their removals to other ski areas.
Eisenhower is hard to find?

They could save even more by not blowing (fill in the blank). There is a reason this specific terrain doesn't get snow.

Westway... they should narrow it. Even if you can't get trees to grow back, maybe a snowfence or...?
yeah when I am with someone who doesn't ski Hunter I always have to. point out Eisenhower and half the time they still miss it, I agree with your idea on Westway,