Hickory Ski Center Might Be Reopening

He was all in to run the place (when there was snow.) from the beginning. He actually developed a plan to put in snowmaking and had an APA permit to pump from the Hudson. (Actually I learned recently he still has the permit, and a basically new Pisten Bully. The groomer is maybe 10 years old but has less than 200 hours on it.)

Reality is that the snowmaking plan was expensive and would never pay off. You don't get to be where he is in life by flushing millions down the crapper. That's not how he thinks.

Anyway he is remote (lives in Houston) and was disappointed by some people he trusted. That's all I can say about that, and maybe that is too much. But now he has people he trusts running the mountain, so he's willing to see what mother nature will offer.

I feel the story will come out soon (hopefully broken by NYSB!) and all I can say is, it's probably not what you think.
This was at the low end of that for a minimal setup, one or two routes down. Can't remember if it was from top of Poma 1 or Poma 2 to be honest.
It's a great little area around the hill. Be a cool place to put houses in and use the hill privately. Rugged in there.
It’s from an article in May. Might be old news. Larkin is running for Town of Warrensburg Supervisor.
The idea started on the other side of the hill where the town owns hundreds of acres of former watershed protection areas. Larkin said he has spoken to developers, and they are most interested in about 200 acres south of town, sandwiched between Alden Avenue and Harrington Hill Road.
Larkin wants to find a developer to buy it, build houses and provide amenities to the town, he said.
“We own the property. Now is the time to dictate [to the developer] all the stuff we want included” with the purchase, Larkin said. Trails through or near the properties to help connect Hickory Hill to the town would be part of the amenities.
I hope it's not the same people that are "developing" around Little Gore. The houses are nice (I stayed in one), but not really flying off the shelves.
Personally I don't feel put out in any way by the lack of movement at the ski bowl. There is some private property owned by a developer, and he's not doing much, or anything, with it now. It doesn't really affect me. I do think selling that land as ski in/ski out is a bit of a stretch. You'd either have to charge some insane association fees, or accept the fact that it would only be lift-served ski in ski out for a handful of days a year. Hey @snoloco how what the most days the ski bowl has operated in the current century?

I wouldn't get too excited about the development possibilities at HSC at this time. That article is several months old now and a bit aspirational, IMO. Let's see if it snows and if the lifts spin, and if people actually want to ski there. I do, but you know, I ain't exactly mr mainstream.