Hickory Ski Center Might Be Reopening

We are now approaching the finish line of an almost 3 year
marathon to reopen our lifts. The insurance is in place thanks to the generous
donations of skiers, organizations, donors, and purchasers of passes and swag
from across the US. In particular Unofficial Networks and IndyPass for their
willingness to support small mountains like ours to stay alive and thrive.
This morning the NYSDOL certified 3 of our 4 lifts. Poma 2 has some minor
electrical and tree limb issues which should be handled and be ready for
certification next week. We have lift operator, cashier, and food service applicants
waiting for training and scheduling.

The only remaining challenges are having sufficient ski patrol for our planned
operating hours, (please have anyone you know contact us) and Mother Nature’s
white manna. With the two consecutive storms approaching, and hopefully no
February rain, we will have a good season. We will announce opening as soon as
we have sufficient base and coverage. It is likely that we will open the T-Bar and
Poma 1 to mid station with a 4” base and 6” plus of coverage. We’ll need an
additional 2-4” to open Poma 2 and top of Poma 1.

Dolagon is scheduled to have its autonomous vehicle on-site in mid-January, snow
dependent, for boarders and uphiller/backcountry enthusiasts. We will be
announcing a “free ride” inaugural day as soon as we have a firm date.
In mid-November, we took a risk and financed the purchase of a new side by side
utility vehicle as we had no means to transport crew or inspectors up the
mountain. It is likely the first new large equipment purchase in at least a decade.
We want to thank Hickory Hill Brewing and Events, LLC for its diligence and
continuing support of Hickory in its efforts to open a taproom in the lodge
featuring specialty Hickory themed microbrews. Because of some of the specific
regulations of the New York State Liquor Authority about defining access to the
premises where alcohol is served and consumed, it became clear that the lease
option under consideration would not be workable for Hickory to operate or

manage the remainder of its operations. Our intent now is for Hickory to pursue
a tavern wine license which will allow us to offer beer, wine, and cider, featuring
Hickory Hill Brewing products and to support their efforts in hosting weddings and
events at the Hill.

The Hickory Legacy Foundation continues to support recreational, environmental,
educational and historic preservation activities at the Hill through ongoing
fundraising, advertising, and merchandise sales. They are planning on financially
supporting learn to ski and youth skiing this season so we invite you to connect
with their website: hickorylegacyfoundation.com to support their essential
contributions to Hickory.

With the support of Paul Connally we have updated our ski area map which now
includes uphill routes, our original logo and an easier to read format. He is also
helping us update our brochure and has been the graphic designer guru for most
of our advertising and social media marketing. Thank you Paul!
Friday Flurries: January 12, 2024

Opening day 2024 at Hickory will be January 20th

(unless we get a major rain storm.)

The T-Bar and Poma 1 will be spinning. Poma 2 is still tentative. The upper Mountain served by Poma 1 is tentative based on the current snow cover. We expect snow between now and the 20th, so we plan on Poma 1 being open to the top.

All mountain day lift tickets will be available for purchase beginning Tuesday, January16th. You may purchase at a discount online or at the ticket counter the day of.

If you have purchased a season pass, you can pick it up at the ticket counter. Be sure to show your pass at the ticket counter to get your lift ticket for the day.

Please note that our public operating hours for this first weekend will be from 10 am to 4pm. IndyPass and Hickory All Mountain Season pass holders have first-track privileges from 9-10 am.

We will be deciding in the coming days what the schedule for weekdays will be, depending on the availability of ski patrol. Three Sisters Café will be open during operating hours. We are working with the Thurman Connection Snowmobile Club on sponsoring a hill climb. While we had hoped to host in conjunction with their annual Blizzard Blast, that hasn’t worked out, so we’re looking at possibilities for later in March.

We still need three more patrollers and three more lift attendants in order to open for our full operating schedule. Refer anyone interested in being part of the Hickory crew to our e-mail: hickorysc2@gmail.com.

Doug and Barry, our mountain crew, have worked hard to prepare the slopes, lifts, and lodge for opening. We are really grateful for their efforts. We would not be opening if it weren’t for their hard work. Thanks for the drone photo Luke Dow.


The Hickory Team
I'm trying not to jinx anything, so no Hickory alarm yet.

I'm using McCauley's alarm for tomorrow.



It's 5 degrees and I'm riding poma 1 with bare hands. Workout!


Ian and Anna of Magoo Productions (watch for a film from today.)


Snowing at the end of the day.
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Have a Jersey bud who I skied with in da UP , Wisc, and Minn. 2 yrs back.
Texted me mid morning and estimated maybe 100 or so folks at Hickory and “powder on breakable crust, not easy skiing”.
Poma 1 “ kept getting stuck on tower 3 until they sped it up and problem went away”.
One of the T bars didn’t telescope and he “rode it like a chair”. “ Crazy place” he said. Poma 2 not running but he said he’d like to go back when operating.
Most likely used his Indy with his twin daughters.
Jay plans to come to Michigan in Feb-March and hit 40 ski areas in 12 days!

10:16 Poma 1
The twins were awesome. Him too. Great people.
That conditions estimate was accurate. A lot of it was skiing better after seeing some traffic.

@JonC and I skied Winfall, if you can believe that. Adventure survival skiing.