Hell is Other People

Absolutely golf. You have never followed a bad 4 or a couple of bad 4s? How about playing the second game of the morning on a wet grass soccer field - that is a nasty bit of fun.
Doesn’t bother me to play with or behind bad golfers, just keep it moving.
Slow golfers even if they’re great is the problem.

Absolutely agree golf. The course can be busy but if people know how to play ready golf and also concede and move on the course will still play quickly. All it takes is one dunce ahead to give dozens behind him a slow day of misery.
A lot of these are due to having to coexist in a space you love with your own species. A slow group ahead of you or an annoying behavior you are bearing witness to doesn’t count.

Hunting and gathering activities…..very primal.
Ya started this Hell & People thread with an example of skiing.
What are other skiers harvestin instead of you?
Skiing from a ski lift untouched pow and/or a new groomer isn’t primal Chief Witch, just saying
40f bluebird an 5 mph wind .
Skied right gully with some sloughing but absolutely the best run I could have expected. Got almost to the base of the bowl when I skied over some dog shit.
Litter bugs really piss me off too.
If the dog shit was frozen it would’ve been just been a minor click, might’ve even thought it was a loose rock.
They're waxy when warmer and they do absorb the suns rays unless they’ve turned white. Could’ve been coyotes'.
No reason for folks to litter.
Wouldn’t take much time for dog shit to freeze today up there. Hell freezes over too sometimes, allegedly.
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Ya started this Hell & People thread with an example of skiing.
What are other skiers harvestin instead of you?
Skiing from a ski lift untouched pow and/or a new groomer isn’t primal Chief Witch, just saying
The process of hunting for a scarce resource is indeed primal, even if it is hoarding tp from walmart in March 2020.
I ride the rail trails a lot. Gave up road biking a while back because the roads around me don't have any shoulders and I don't want to be hit by an idiot on a cell phone. I ride fast. People walking or riding slow in a group taking up the whole width of the trail are annoying. I have a small bell but it doesn't dawn on them hearing the Doppler Effect of the bell getting closer to move over. I thought of getting one of those big old school bike bells so they would realize a bike was coming up behind them but I don't think it would make a difference. Maybe a really loud air horn would work?
I ride the rail trails a lot. Gave up road biking a while back because the roads around me don't have any shoulders and I don't want to be hit by an idiot on a cell phone. I ride fast. People walking or riding slow in a group taking up the whole width of the trail are annoying. I have a small bell but it doesn't dawn on them hearing the Doppler Effect of the bell getting closer to move over. I thought of getting one of those big old school bike bells so they would realize a bike was coming up behind them but I don't think it would make a difference. Maybe a really loud air horn would work?
An air horn would work...really annoying too.