Hell is Other People

Absolutely golf. You have never followed a bad 4 or a couple of bad 4s? How about playing the second game of the morning on a wet grass soccer field - that is a nasty bit of fun.
Or Playing just as a league finishes, with stragglers dragging play
I don't mind sharing GP. What I do mind are the assholes who miss my skis by a foot to get in front of me in the lift line. I can't imagine that getting one chair in front of me is going to add that much to their day. And the kids who zoom straight down pretty much out of control and miss me by a few feet. They need lessons or to have their passes pulled. And, the skier parent version of the soccer mom, who insists on sending their screaming kids down a trail they are terrified on, rather than letting them have fun on the bunny slope.

BTW, my name is Karen. No Karen jokes, please. It's old.
I should have referenced slow - but bad golfers tend to be slow.
i'm the worst golfer in the world..ya just need to know when to pick up the ball and move on.. If you hit into the woods , drop another ball ..Never ever look for a ball if there is someone behind you...
A crowded water way. I've never felt crowded by other paddlers on the water but people that are reckless with a jet ski or speed boat can cause me a lot of stress. A really crowded hiking trail ruins the experience as well.
A lot of these are due to having to coexist in a space you love with your own species. A slow group ahead of you or an annoying behavior you are bearing witness to doesn’t count.

Hunting and gathering activities…..very primal.
My first time to Tuckerman ravine. My group was driving up on a Friday to ski Saturday. The weather for Saturday was looking bad so I decided to go a day early. Got to the parking lot early and started hiking but decided to go slow since I would be doing Saturday as well. I went up right gully and felt good so kept going and almost made the summit . I never strayed to far from other people for safety reasons.
Put my skis on and started my run. 40f bluebird an 5 mph wind .
Skied right gully with some sloughing but absolutely the bes run I could have expected. Got almost to the base of the bowl when I skied over some dog shit.
Litter bugs really piss me off too.
$&@?!!!!. A perfect day except for that.