Greek Peak Conditions

Does the $66 bucks the website says they are charging tomorrow make sense to anyone else? The way I read the conditions report and trail map, it’s really only Alpha, Kary/Plat, Ely/Stoic and Oly.

IE 3 trails?
If you want to ski it does. If you don't want to ski then no. Not too many other choices, if any, other than GP in CNY that's open.
Just got off the phone with a friend who I ski with at Song. His brother lives near there and skis Greek in his dreams. He told me there’s the quad to the top and basically 2 ways down now. Said conditions were better today than yesterday. Might meet em in the morning.
Ya can also do the 2-5pm corn harvest for$46.
I was obsessively watching the webcam today, wondering if I made a Bad Choice not to take the day off. It looked like people were also coming down Iliad later in the day. I plan on getting there around 9, with the idea that things will be just soft enough with tomorrow's warming.
I was obsessively watching the webcam today, wondering if I made a Bad Choice not to take the day off. It looked like people were also coming down Iliad later in the day. I plan on getting theren around 9, with the idea that things will be just soft enough with tomorrow's warming.
Never a bad choice to take a day off from work.
I'm glad to hear you say that. I knew you are smarter than that! ?
Oh, if I was on my rock skis too, I'd be just as dumb, why not?

Nice morning and early afternoon today, firm and fast early, softening up by noon. Made one run on Olympian, glad I waited till after our break. It was sporty, ungroomed, an a tad firm yet. Probably pretty good now. It skied great Thursday. Hitting it tomorrow morning. I assume this will probably be their last weekend.