Greek Peak Conditions

I went this morning, despite the dreaded "loose granular". I think the couple of inches of LE really saved things. There was some really nice powder on the skiers right side of Stoic.
Always good snow on that side
Nice 3" freshen up Friday night. First tracks on Zeus, Herc was sweet too. Ungroomed was not bad, but firm underneath, skiers right Mars, Aesop's. Go get it, carnage on the horizon.
Nice 3" freshen up Friday night. First tracks on Zeus, Herc was sweet too. Ungroomed was not bad, but firm underneath, skiers right Mars, Aesop's. Go get it, carnage on the horizon.
Warm temps but seems to be mostly dry. I'm hopeful we get an amazing corn season.
Today’s conditions were great. Everything groomed to perfection with very few icy spots. Labyrinth is starting to get a bit thin, but the trees off of chair 2 still have plenty of cover. Things softened up nicely as the day went on. They have plenty of snow made, so hopefully Mother Nature will take it easy during this warmup and they’ll get well into April, if not May 1st!
Greek was prime yesterday, 100% open, though there were closed signs in Aesop's for some reason.



Greek skied ok late afternoon, was expecting softer conditions then I got. Carvable but firming up for sure. Wouldn’t recommend first chair in morning, more like noon chair if you got to get turns in.
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Greek skied ok late afternoon, was expecting softer conditions then I got. Carvable but firming up for sure. Wouldn’t recommend first chair in morning, more like noon chair if you got to get turns in.
I'll be there at opening, it should be speedy, but if groomed, shouldn't be too bad. Supposed to be considerably cooler today, not sure the intense March sun will be enough to produce corn, or not.
Greek was good today, firm and fast first thing in the morning, but with bright sun visibility was excellent which made spotting the occasional grooming anomalies easy, felt pretty comfortable taking advantage of the speedy surface. Mars became sugary pretty quickly under the intense March sun. Natural sections are going fast, grass in the troughs skier's left on Illiad, upper Aesop's pretty much toast.
A very nice, SNOWY morning. I think it snowed for most of the time I was there. At on point, it was snowing so hard that I couldn't see. I should have been smart like the patrol guy I saw hiding behind a tree! The highlight of my day was when a flock of about 100 snow geese flew overhead at the top of chair 2. Gotta add that to ebird!