Greek Peak Conditions

Firm and fast this morning, didn't ski bad, but a bit jarring.

I just heard Wes on the snow phone.


8 trails for tomorrow.
I took advantage of a beautiful day with no lessons to teach and spent a couple of hours on the hill.

Yes, Greek is open despite the rain. Wes told us at season opening instructor meeting that a bearing failed on one of the new pumps, so while snow making capacity is greater than its ever been, it will be even better once the manufacturer replaces the bearing on the new pump. Otherwise, the new guns and pipes are in and the mid hill pump house is working. They blasted more snow last night, but didn't have a lot of time to groom, so today was pretty rough and icy. A great day to cautiously break in the legs. Basically they had two runs open in addition to the Magic Carpet and Boardwalk slopes. Karyatis Way, Meadow and Platonic made for one green run. Elysian Fields and Stoic were open for a Blue. No Black terrain, although they've been spraying snow on Odyssey.

The new triple Alpha lift is on schedule for opening before Christmas. The cable is up and spliced but they are still fine tuning the guide wheels on a couple of towers. Installing the chairs and load testing should happen this week. Snow making on Alpha will start once the equipment is out of the way.

Not much else to say, it was a beautiful cool sunny day.