F Vail

This place sounds to be a whole lot more fun than any of Vail’s shitshows.
Vail Resorts Inc announced changes (and/or lack thereof) to their Epic pass today.
MTN stock dropped 3.42% while NYSE composite went up 0.78%.
Vuck Fail.
agree , Hunter especially , the town has gone down precipitously since it's heyday in the late 60's and 70's , one big factor was Jersey and Connecticut's drinking age was 21 while New York's was 18, kids from the two states would flock to Hunter to ski and hit the bars on Friday, Saturday and after skiing on Sunday. First for a while Jersey lowered the drinking age which hurt, then all states went to 21 [Louisiana tried hold out for a while] the bars and the restaurants didn't have the demand. Meanwhile the baby boomers got older and married, plane travel cheaper, all these were factors. Drive into Hunter and Tannersville and you can see dead hulks of bars that used to be full every weekend in the Winter.
Vail has the economic stability to help as opposed to the Slutsky's and Peaks. Hopefully it will get it's act together and realize what an asset Hunter is. Peaks did try with the North Side, but Vail has the bucks to really develop the West Side.
You're correct on all accounts - I saw it happen. I miss my old places BUT I do love the newer restaurants(Jessies and Tabla come to mind).

We don't need the ski area to help us. We just need people - which we have now.
And new people! We are working to make our town healthy and inclusive to all!
For the life of me, I cannot figure out why they don't blow tons of snow on West Way and make that a signature trail. Annapurna is great too, but I get leaving that one natural--the only problem is that Hunter only gets enough natural snow to open it a few days a year.
For the life of me, I cannot figure out why they don't blow tons of snow on West Way and make that a signature trail.

Let's say it's $200k. Maybe they don't think they'd get any or enough additional business to justify the cost.

Are you a passholder? Would you consider not renewing because of this?

If you aren't a passholder would you become one if they committed to blowing it? Is there enough support for the idea to make it pay?

The only reason most ski areas operate after Presidents Day is to appeal to passholders and build the brand. There's is no money to be made. But they do it because they've determined in the long run it would hurt them, if they didn't.
From @180 who knows...

"The pipes are all broken and rusted. The removed more than half the towers this past summer and placed them at other locations on the West Side. The trail is too wide and the snow never stayed. Very costly to run, too wide. Vail does not care about that trail except for natural snow. They are wisely letting half of it grow back again."
Are you a passholder? Would you consider not renewing because of this?

If you aren't a passholder would you become one if they committed to blowing it? Is there enough support for the idea to make it pay?

I actually was a pass holder this year and last year. I am not renewing next year and a big reason is that I simply don't get there enough to justify a pass. Why don't I get there? They have ignored the mountain's best terrain (Hunter West) for the past few years and you can only ski the exact same trail with different names (Minya Konka, Hellgate, East Side Drive, The Cliff, Jimmy Huega, etc) so many times.

You mention cost. It surely costs less to blow snow on West Way than it did to install a high-speed six-passenger lift and carve new trails on the icy boondoggle that is Hunter North. Not only is that area useless, it ruined what was a really fun trail (Way Out). I get that they wanted to disperse crowds away from the Kaatskill Flyer, but the expansion did nothing to achieve that. As the trails ended up being too hard--they were originally blue until a few fatalities--because of the pitch and conditions. Now Hunter West stands without snow and only intermittently runs a perfectly good lift while the Fuck Vail crowd snaps ridiculous liftline pictures of the Flyer.