F Vail

Wildcat had a chair fall off yesterday. Dude went to hospital. Fuck Vail.
When your ship is short staffed and underpaid people tend to get fatigued, burnt out and angry. It’s a crap environment and a lot more prone to mistakes and accidents.
Well if every Riblet still in use has to be replaced, that's gonna hurt mom- and- pops than it does Vail. It may have to happen anyway. They're getting old. Who knows?
Fuck Vail
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No, but Vail should've replaced that 48-year-old chair! :alien:
What about Peak Resorts? They bought Attitash and Wildcat a while before VR thought about buying Peak as a way to gain more locations for the NYC and New England market. Read plenty of complaints about Peak on northeast ski forums related to Attitash and Wildcat.