F Vail

Would love to hear from employees.

About 5 years ago I talked to a friends son who worked at Park City before and after Vail took over. He worked on the mountain coaching (I think) and also in the ski shops selling skis and clothing etc. He said that before Vail took over he made a lot more money because was paid a really nice commission on the goods sold in the shop. I gathered it was common for some really rich family to come in and he'd sell them $10K of gear and clothing and would get like a 10% commission. Once Vail took over the commission went away and they paid a bit above min wage.
I’ve heard stories from previous employees and it’s rarely positive.
Tog, with $ to both Greek & SkiCNY for indemnification purposes only.
I really, really, really hope this doesn't happen. We've had a relationship with both the Kryger's and the Meier's, the thought of losing that truly makes me sad. Hopefully it doesn't happen. Certainly wouldn't blame the Meier's if they sold, cash is king.
Thread title from another ski forum: "Who else is concerned about crowding at Epic resorts?" The higher numbers of Epic buyers is scary to folks who post on ski forums. The newbies who didn't have an Epic pass before 2020 do not know what they do not know.
Vail had a huge jump in sales this year, I think it was 47%. There are now 2.1 million epic passholders.

Scary data point, but do we know the dropoff in daily tickets sold compared to last year or five years ago? Are we just trading the time saved from not waiting in the ticket line for time spent waiting for lifts?
Better than the Sacklers.

Vail had a huge jump in sales this year, I think it was 47%. There are now 2.1 million epic passholders.

Doesn’t take much to be better than the Sackler family, just sayin.
Jay’s fraudsters gave em a run for their money though.
Wonder if Vail will be gobbling up Jay.
Montreal ain’t far when the boarder's open.