F Vail

Man I don't like him.

She's the CEO of Vail, it would be hard to have that job and not be the way she is.
She speaks!

Joe Kernen is an ahole from way back, so it doesn't surprise me he thinks Vail is just the best. She is just so proud of buying stuff. Like a rich wife at Xmas time with a high card limit.
Some of the replies to that video are gold Benny, gold.
She even got her words mixed up and they didn’t do another take.
And never talked about snow ❄️.
That interviewer was so clueless; he thought Vail owned Copper and A-Basin. As for snow he tossed a softball out there in commenting vaguely about some good storms already. For good reason she did not elaborate in her response. As of Dec. 16 (there has been minimal new snow since), Vail's I-70 resorts averaged 47-75% of normal snowfall, the Tahoe resorts 15-34%, Park City 79% and Whistler 63%. As of today Vail Mountain itself is the only Vail resort with as much as half its terrain open. That's a grim stat with Christmas Week imminent.
But, the world famous Back Bowls are open!
Some of them are, though no Blue Sky Basin yet. Vail Mountain has a very good long term early season track record. Snowfall is high and pitch is mostly moderate so modest coverage can open a lot.
As of Dec. 16 (there has been minimal new snow since), Vail's I-70 resorts averaged 47-75% of normal snowfall, the Tahoe resorts 15-34%, Park City 79% and Whistler 63%. As of today Vail Mountain itself is the only Vail resort with as much as half its terrain open. That's a grim stat with Christmas Week imminent.
There’s acreage there. How much has snowmaking available?
Is there enough snow to spread out the Holiday masses?
It doesn’t take as much snow if folks are mostly standing in lift lines though.
Fails repair shops might even get some extra business too.
Some of them are, though no Blue Sky Basin yet. Vail Mountain has a very good long term early season track record. Snowfall is high and pitch is mostly moderate so modest coverage can open a lot.
It's called flat for a reason.
I rarely defend Vail the corporation but I do defend Vail the mountain.
1) Snowfall tied for 3rd highest with Winter Park in Colorado ~350 inches, trailing only Wolf Creek and Steamboat.
2) Yes Vail has few steeps on the level with Snowbird, Jackson, etc. but its consistent pitch is more than adequate for powder skiing. If you want to critique steeps, almost nothing lift served in the Northeast is any steeper than Vail.
3) As for crowds Vail skier visits were flat from 2001 to the late 2010's despite increases in lift capacity. My visits have been nearly all in January and April and I've averaged 24,200 vertical on my 17 days at Vail vs. my lifetime average of 19,400 at all ski areas.
4) With regard to skier density, 5,200 acres spreads people around. Breckenridge has 55% of the Vail's acreage and lift capacity and about the same (1.6 million) skier visits.
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