EVolve NY: EV Charging Stations


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2020
Folks - I was looking at the lack of non-Tesla supercharging (350kw/h, or enough to get a high charge on most EVs in 20 minutes), and saw that there is a program to build 50 high speed charging locations in NY by end of 2021.

The first batch of funding (40m) comes from the state's settlement with VW for the diesel emissions cheating/scandal (sorry - loaded words but that is what it was).

Pretty cool. This will make long range use of EVs very practical, even in the 'daks and cats. Two stations will go to Lake Placid area for Z (local pork, if you will), one not far from Gore, a ton in the capital area, one in Kingston if you are going to the Cats.

Check out this link - https://www.nypa.gov/-/media/nypa/documents/document-library/evolveny/nypa-ev-charging101.pdf?la=en

In the area of that link is a map of actual locations live (two, one in mid hudson, one watertown) and the status of negotiation for land or construction.

Pretty cool
Very cool
I would love to get a model y
I was wondering if non Tesla EVs could use their chargers, which seem to be popping up all over. I guess not? Also, 50 seems like a silly small number for the whole state. 500 or 5000 sounds more like it if you really want people to adopt the technology.
I think there is one in LP already. It was almost finished when I was there in late June. My friend with a Tesla found out it existed but wasn't ready yet. He's charged up completely at the Stewarts off the Northway at Exit 25.

NY and CA are the two states getting Toyota Prime Plug-in Hybrid models on a regular basis because of the state support for Low Emissions vehicles. There are 8 other states but I don't know where they are.

In NC, the Toyota dealers just started getting the Prius Prime in 2020. I gather it's been out for three years. That's why I had to drive to NY to buy a RAV4 Prime. Buying a Tesla wasn't practical given how often I drive well over 300 miles in a day in assorted states in more than one region.
It means that NY EV owners can travel around the state right? It's a start.

It's insane they don't all use the same plug.
I have seen a few of these in the wild - tres ugly.
I can’t argue that but it’s bigger then the 3
I think the 3 is a good looking car
One of the problems of EV adoption is that, while an EV is fine for commuting, they can be almost useless for occasional longer trips. Even adding 50 charging stations makes them a lot more acceptable. Eventually, there will be enough demand to make EVs as useful as gas cars, but you need to start first.

One of the problems of EV adoption is that, while an EV is fine for commuting, they can be almost useless for occasional longer trips. Even adding 50 charging stations makes them a lot more acceptable. Eventually, there will be enough demand to make EVs as useful as gas cars, but you need to start first.

How many families have two cars?

Right now we've got a Prius and a CRV. When we move to the mountains, the CRV will get replaced with a pickup and the mrs will get something more like the CRV — certainly AWD. The pickup for trips to the dump, chores, and an easy way to get my MTB down to the ski bowl. The other car will be for wife's commuting and my storm chasing. (Remains TBD if it will be electric, but she would really like it to be.) We'll switch it up, who drives what, based on the day.

The point is we could add a lot of electric cars to the fleet long before all the range issues are worked out.
How many families have two cars?

A lot of familes have two cars, but fewer want an expensive car that's only useful for commuting. That's why fast charging stations are important.
FWIW skiers will be the last holdouts for EVs, because of range limitations which are made worse by cold weather, and concerns about performance in winter driving conditions. OTOH an EV would be great on high altitude interstates like I-70.
