Do u believe?

Like the caretaker in the shining explains it, some people have a gift to be sort of connected to a place and see things that others can’t. If you don’t have that then why would you believe in this sort of stuff?

all I know is that I can be extremely sensitive to whatever “it” is. Ghosts or spirits imo aren’t like how Hollywood portrays them. It’s a phenomenon that I don’t have an explanation for but I know it’s something.

I have a lot of weird stories. Sometimes I can see or experience things before they happen. Numbers can be pretty strange, they can just pop into my head before a number is revealed to me. I can’t make this happen with will but every now and then it just does.

My most recent thing happened while camping up at Brianhead. We were in this field and at the far end was an old Native American marble lime stone quarry. They’d use that stuff to create points, I found a few broken ones in the field near camp. For several weeks I’d get some kind of visitors between 2 and 3 AM. At first I thought it was a bear, I’d get up and holler hey bear! Git bear! Etc. after hearing heavy footsteps and breathing/sniffing. Once I yelled it would go completely silent and there were no tracks anywhere when I looked in the morning. The whatever it was continued to visit for several weeks, sometimes like an animal and other times just gently crinkling an aluminum can I left in the bed of the truck or making a noise like gliding it’s fingernails along my tent. I’d wake up every night right around 2 and get anxious, it was becoming routine.

on our last week there my grounds person said that he was hearing something walking around his tent at night and I said yeah, it comes every night between 2 and 3 and his eyes got real big, it legitimately freaked him out because we were hearing the same shit.
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I almost forgot, my new thing is sleep paralysis. I had my first experience last summer and another one last week. It’s terrifying. Imagine being paralyzed while a demonic female taunts you, staring into your eyes.
I never believed in ghosts in the past until something happened at work a few years ago. Apologies if I've told this story before.

I've been with the same company most of my career. Maybe 15 years ago, a woman who worked for us for a long time, I call her "Jennifer" (not her real name) passed, in a tragic way. Put it this way, if anyone had reason to leave this earth with a restless soul it was she. The story was incredibly sad.

She didn't come to work one day, and one of our employees had a bad feeling. She and another drove to her house and found her. It was awful. We never talked about. We still don't. Most of the employees from that time are gone, and there is no point.

My partner, I won't say she is superstitious, but she never placed another person at Jennifer's desk. We left it empty. Some how it just seemed like the right thing to do.

Five years later we had a new employee, I'll call her Mary. Mary is quite unusual in a few ways. One time she mentioned that she felt "connected" to things in ways that others weren't. I thought it was odd and really just blew it off.

Then a few years later she told me she was having a repeated vision of a woman walking from Jennifer's desk over to the reception area and back, over and over. She described the woman she was seeing and it was Jennifer to a T. Long brown hair, a scar on her cheek, tight jean pants, a jean jacket and leather boots. Jennifer was an equestrian, she lived for her horse, and the description was freakishly accurate. She always wore her jeans and boots.

Mary had no way to know any of this, we're sure of it. We never talk about it. My partner and I looked each other with eyes wide open, but never let on to the staff.

I still don't know exactly what to make of it, but I'm no longer a full on skeptic.
Other than the loss of your coworker that’s a great ghost story Harv.