COVID-19 stats and research news - until Nov. 15, 2021

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Here’s the recent FDA meeting for discussing approval of Cormirnaty booster.
It’s long and discusses other topics.
Here is a summary of the VRBPAC meeting.

September 17, 2021

The agenda for the meeting included short presentations in the morning and allowed plenty of time in the afternoon for Q&A and discussion. Very different meeting than one considering approval based on a clinical trial program. The Professor of
of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology from the UK had 20 minutes to provide an overview of "Real-world effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines."

I was talking about the use of N-95 by the poster during the the pandemic including early on, I don’t know why excuses are trying to be made, but I have guys in construction unable to use N-95 masks, also , do you see the the president using an N-95 mask? Ted Olson is 81 he can afford anything he wants be he refuses to buy N-95 masks because he knows they are for health care workers , we spoke about it and he ask’s who on here can show where it says for the public to use N-95 masks?, I find it strange people can find all sorts of info and stats, but they take a blind eye to the info I posted about the masks, come on let’s take this pandemic seriously and show that skiers care about the poor health care workers
Apparently I misunderstood the remarks about the president in this post. My bad. I apologize to @XTski for taking his comments out of context. I’ll give myself a timeout.
Apparently I misunderstood
I don't understand a lot of what he posts. I read each post twice. It's not enough.

I do use an N95. I believe it's the best protection. You don't know who is vaxxed or infected.

If I believed there was a shortage, I wouldn't do it.
I found n-95s at the beginning of the pandemic in a kit that was put together back when SARS raised awareness. I had my dad wear them as well as myself even before fearless leaders said they worked. I mean I'm not a genius but I don't think it takes one to figure out the protection.
My sister is in charge of thousands of nurses and said I should bring them down to Albany med. I laughed at her.
Now there is no shortage I don't see any reason why anyone would feel guilty about wearing them.
My sister is in charge of thousands of nurses and said I should bring them down to Albany med.
When did she say this?
I googled it. It was not one of the top suggested searches:

Screen Shot 2021-09-20 at 8.57.28 PM.png

When I completed the search, the top result was an article about a glut of N95s:

Screen Shot 2021-09-20 at 9.02.47 PM.png
Early on during the pandemic the N95 was hard to come by even for those who worked in hospitals.
I bought my first N95 in the fall of that year and kept it for 3 months. Here is my first N95, I wore it at opening day at Whiteface:

Now I keep them until they are dirty. A lot less than three months.
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