Coronavirus and Skiing

I read that as long as you've been vaxed the variants won't be as bad. As in yo might get sick but not to the point of needing to be hospitalized. Guess it makes sense?
I read same - in J&J study (which included SA variant), no one who received the vax died, which to me is the most important. 85% effective against severe/hospitalization level event.

J&J has lower numbers but also likely had more variants than the mRna vax's.
Even though I think I'm in relatively good shape a few of @ScottySkis lunches would let me play the obese card!
I don't know why anyone cares about people who don't want a vaccine. Good! Don't get one. Move me up the line. It's as uninteresting a story to me as anything to do with any royal family. And that's the bottom of the barrel.
The reason you should care about people who refuse the vaccine is that the virus will spread and mutate among unvaccinated people. No vaccine provides perfect protection, and mutations only make your vaccine less effective. Also, there's no vacine available yet for my grandchilderen, so anti-vaxxers just make it more dangerous for them. It's really gonna require the vast majority of the whole world to be vaccinated before the pandemic is under control.

I get my second shot on sat
Any side effects from the second one? Did you get the Phizer? I've talked with a handful of people who had some side effects after the second one but usually only for a day or so after. Chills, fatigue, low grade fever, sore arm from shot.
My wife exhibited the symptoms you describe for a couple days. Other folks I know had none
It's really gonna require the vast majority of the whole world to be vaccinated before the pandemic is under control.
Herd immunity is going to be a combination of vaccination and people who have had COVID-19 and recovered. While COVID-19 is obviously dangerous to more people than seasonal flu, it's also true that most people who get infected do not have major issues. Given that there are an unknown number of people who had COVID-19 in 2020 and didn't know it, that means a certain percentage already are at most lower risk of becoming carriers.

Typically only about 50% of American adults get flu shots. Somewhat higher percentage for children. Hopefully the percentage for COVID-19 vaccinations will be a bit higher in 2021 given that the worst part of the pandemic will be fresh in people's memories.
