Bring the Stoke

If you're up for a (slightly) bigger group, I'd love to join you guys one day this season! Our house is 6 minutes from the mountain and I'm happy to offer apres beers and bourbon!

You in Wilmington then I guess? We've prob crossed paths at WF before
You in Wilmington then I guess? We've prob crossed paths at WF before
I'm in Wilmington and NYC. I teach for a living and my wife is WFH so we're in Wilmington all summer and about 3-4 days a week during ski season . It's likely our paths have crossed, especially if you ski in the mornings!
Slowly been transitioning to winter mode out of MTB and house projects season...mostly kickstarted with picking up my soon to be 3 yo’s ski setup for the season. He starts for real this year after riding lifts once last season for mostly a photo op. Hoping for a nice long season this year, as I cut it a bit short last year due to so so weather and projects at home...a couple shots for stoke from last seasons best moments:
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That’s a lot of stoke. I like the leash on the paci.
Sweet avatar Rip!

I remember how freaked my wife would get if we lost that one paci that always save the day. She had like a dozen of them, stuff everywhere, glovebox, everywhere.
That’s a lot of stoke. I like the leash on the paci.
Ha yeh the frikin’ paci...Currently tryin to kick that habit, hopefully no paci on leash this season! But it was funny when these pics were taken, he was only like 2 and a few months in those shots
Ha yeh the frikin’ paci...Currently tryin to kick that habit, hopefully no paci on leash this season! But it was funny when these pics were taken, he was only like 2 and a few months in those shots
In our house it was called a nimmy. I was impressed when Peanut quit them cold turkey. That’s gotta be tough. We had them everywhere too. I still find one once in awhile two years later. In the car under the seat, behind the couch or radiator. Good times.

Love the ski-wees. They are little rippers.
ADKMike - Hope to catch you at WF sometime this year. My son is 2 and I don't think he's ready for skis either, but maybe next year at 3. Good Luck!
Since the white stuff ❄️has begun to fly from the skies and some folks are starting snowmaking ya can guess when slopes will be ready for skiing.
Found this for “projected” opening dates but it comes with disclaimers...
Worthy of note is the last place on the list.