Belleayre Conditions

Woah. If only there was a way for them just to fill in the parking lot at mid. Wait why can they just do that and then you only ski to overlook.
Delivery trucks and other vehicles wouldn't be able to get to the Overlook Lodge or the NYSEF building. Plus that would decrease parking spots, which would be less than ideal.
Plus parking at Overlook is a good thing. IMO.
It was Mike Pratt’s last board meeting as President and CEO.
There’s some decent one liners in that meeting.
Pratt, “We don’t try to have improvements that have negative impacts."
Munro, "That’s a fine idea."

Regarding the transition and coming up to speed of the new CEO,
Pratt, "She’s been drinking from the snowmaking hose."

Betty Little, "Who coulda spent this much money in at a short period of time, other than Mike?"
Delivery trucks and other vehicles wouldn't be able to get to the Overlook Lodge or the NYSEF building.
In Cooke City MT the guy from Sysco did his deliveries on a snowmobile. He claimed he was the only one in the company to do so in the lower 48.
Delivery trucks and other vehicles wouldn't be able to get to the Overlook Lodge or the NYSEF building. Plus that would decrease parking spots, which would be less than ideal.
Yep. I know the mountain quite well. It would ski a lot better without those (understanding the parking and delivery points).

I think the current layout is like this because when Belle first started Belleayre Run was the basically the mountain, and the Overlook lodge was near the base of a (tow rope?) lift. There are old pictures in the Norway Ski Club that make that pretty clear.

And with today's layout, you're right you would probably lose about half the parking or more if you did what I said.

Belle is actually a pretty good microcosm of unplanned development, like much of the Long Island suburbs. There was sprawl, now with any open land they put in dense housing. I (may be the only person) am fine with dense housing given the situation but it just shows how little 'we' plan sometimes, especially over time.
Belle is actually a pretty good microcosm of unplanned development, like much of the Long Island suburbs. There was sprawl, now with any open land they put in dense housing. I (may be the only person) am fine with dense housing given the situation but it just shows how little 'we' plan sometimes, especially over time.
Whatabout all the time and efforts put into their Unit Management Plans (UMPs) over the years?
The drunken sailors are laughing it off because they found more rock than expected.
They said there’s gonna be fencing.
Reminds me of Ruby Run at Gore but without the view of the High Peaks and long run out.
Belle is actually a pretty good microcosm of unplanned development, like much of the Long Island suburbs. There was sprawl, now with any open land they put in dense housing. I (may be the only person) am fine with dense housing given the situation but it just shows how little 'we' plan sometimes, especially over time.
Long Islands development makes me want to puke, let's hope Belle's future development doesn't make me want to do the same but its not looking good.
Long Islands development makes me want to puke, let's hope Belle's future development doesn't make me want to do the same but its not looking good.
Can't disagree with you. From my perspective they show the same level of foresight. Not much.