Belleayre Conditions

Arguably the best trail on the mountain.
As someone who hasn't progressed to a level where I can ski either of them - would people prefer Yahoo being converted to a blue rather than Utsayantha?

I'm fairly sympathetic to management's desire for a blue trail down the middle of the mountain that will connect to the new Lift 7. But it's unfortunate to lose what sounds like it was a distinctive trail and just wondering if there were other options. I guess Algonquin might have been another option for that new blue (though then they might have had to adjust alignment of the new lift or do some grading along the summit ridge).

Reading the UMP amendment, they seem pretty uninterested in preserving natural-snow terrain and so don't see Utsayantha as a great loss. That was probably the most important factor in their choice, so whether another option could have worked is kind of beside the point. Still, wondering if there was an alternative that could have left more people happier.
Reading the UMP amendment, they seem pretty uninterested in preserving natural-snow terrain ...
I've been unhappy with the Gore UMP and most of the recent changes, but it's really the lack of natural snow has driven the changes. The loss of interesting natural terrain in unfortunate, but we're losing that whether ORDA regrades and flattens or not. I guess skiing on firm and fast groomers is better than not skiing at all.

As someone who hasn't progressed to a level where I can ski either of them - would people prefer Yahoo being converted to a blue rather than Utsayantha?

Since this new lift is going to be another fixed grip with a mid station, this person would have preferred that they didn’t wreck either Yahoo or Utsy. Intermediates can get off at mid, or if they wanted to, push across the top to get to roaring brook or Onondaga as it’s mostly downhill anyway.

Onondaga cut off the top of winnisook when they made lift 6 a high speed and removed the mid station. This new intermediate trail will ruin Utsy (also curious if it will be truly intermediate, or intermediate like hunter west). Most of us longtime skiers were hoping they’d leave us at least one or two expert trails to preserve the mountain’s small amount of variety instead of completely catering to the intermediate families. But that’s where the most money is.

