Belleayre Conditions

The new skier bridge will be the old Tappanzee? I wonder if it will have the old toll house with the change basket.
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old toll house with the change basket.
I miss seeing the toll collectors but I don’t miss the lines. There was a woman at the Newburgh-Beacon bridge who would say, “Have a blessed day.”, every time I saw her for years.

As a kid it was always fun to chuck the change into the hopper from the backseat. The sound was so satisfying.

I’m really excited to rip this new bridge.
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I miss seeing the toll collectors but I don’t miss the lines.

I once drove through a toll booth for the Bay Bridge in Oakland in full a werewolf costume including detailed make-up and glued-on hair on my face and hands. The toll collector literally fell on the floor of her booth laughing. (Yes, it was Halloween.)
Does anyone know the vert of Highmount?

Looks like about 800 feet on Google maps.
Does anyone know the vert of Highmount?

Looks like about 800 feet on Google maps.
The proposed Highmount lift in the 2015 UMP says 867 feet for what that’’s worth.

Thanks X, I was looking at Google Maps and thought there might be some terrain below the road.

Was it connected or a separate pod?

Did you ever ski there?