Belleayre Conditions

"The Highmount land is not currently under the ownership or jurisdiction of ORDA. ORDA has consistently worked to modernize antiquated infrastructure within Belleayre and will continue to do so. The required infrastructure upgrades needed to support the expansion into Highmount will be phased in as appropriate. ORDA will consider sequencing an expansion when the components of land ownership, snowmaking, water supply, and electrical capacity are all solidified."
ETA: not in our lifetime
From the recent UMP answers to public comment:
"The existing Lift 7 will be replaced with a fixed grip, 4-place chair lift. The lift line will be extended to approximately 3,400 feet long and will have a mid-station. The new lift will be able to transport approximately 2,000 people per hour. The lift ride time is less than 10 minutes."
Ya can buy a chair from Lift 7. Three hundred bucks and it’s yers.
"Lift #7 Chairs will be available to purchase starting on May 17, 2023, at noon. A limited number of chairs will only be available to purchase online at $300 each, and are on a first come, first serve basis."

The old lift has been completely removed including mid station.

The terminal locations are all dug out. Lift towers are on site, forms are being set and concrete poured.

The lift goes up the skiers right side of the terrain park. Loading station is fairly far down below the parking lot. I read that the lift is apprx 665 linear feet longer ( I’m sure afraid this is going to make for a long ride up.