Winter Weather 22/23

Same with the Valley
This bomb cyclone is wreaking havoc in Jefferson county St Lawrence county where I live and also Lewis county.

Reports this morning in Jefferson county alone 100 plus cars off the road and unable to be rescued in normal vehicles .

Apparently rescue workers had to go out with utvs to get people out of their cars.

Even trucks couldn't handle it. Snow plow drivers couldn't even get back to some town barns after their mandated rests after pulling overtime shifts.

Thousands without power. national grid workers can't even put up their bucket trucks because of the wind velocity.

I've lived up here for 57 years, been through the blizzards of 66,7,and -88 and I'll be damned if I've seen a storm like this one.

All stores closed even supermarkets let their people go

In my town alone I've had reports from Friends who are nurses who tried to go three and a half miles to their job today and found that it was darn near impossible . that stretch of road there were several semis overturned and a few pickup trucks off the road visibility is nil. Word in Jefferson county of a four-car pile up of people that hit a pl0w they couldn't see it

We will be dealing with this until tomorrow night

Stay warm stay safe and have a very Merry Christmas
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This bomb cyclone is wreaking havoc in Jefferson county St Lawrence county where I live and also Lewis county.

Reports this morning in Jefferson county alone 100 plus cars off the road and unable to be rescued in normal vehicles .

Apparently rescue workers had to go out with utvs to get people out of their cars.

Even trucks couldn't handle it. Snow plow drivers couldn't even get back to some town barns after their mandated rests after pulling overtime shifts.

Thousands without power. national grid workers can't even put up their bucket trucks because of the wind velocity.

I've lived up here for 57 years, been through the blizzards of 66,7,and -88 and I'll be damned if I've seen a storm like this one.

All stores closed even supermarkets let their people go

In my town alone I've had reports from Friends who are nurses who tried to go three and a half miles to their job today and found that it was darn near impossible . that stretch of road there were several semis overturned and a few pickup trucks off the road visibility is nil. Word in Jefferson county of a four-car pile up of people that hit a pl0w they couldn't see it

We will be dealing with this until tomorrow night

Stay warm stay safe and have a very Merry Christmas
Looks the stream is going up the st Lawrence
Looks the stream is going up the st Lawrence
Seriously this is getting to be a nitemare thankfully heat has stayed on we have plenty of food and drink at the house (65 miles down river from Tibitts Point where Lake Ontario enters the St Lawrence,) but people in town can't even get across town to be with their relatives tonight that's how bad this is.

County continues to be shut down to all but emergency traffic. We have 38 windows in our home every one of them is just plastered with snow I mean literally it's hanging on the screens. I have 140 ft driveway I cannot see my garage at the end of it from the house

beginning to look like a scene from the movie Dr Zhivago
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And here is The Irony ,forecast for New Years Weekend Mid 40's WTH
The county just broke into our cell phones with an annunciated announcement closing three major highways through the area routes 12,37 and 68.

The wind is fierce and whiteouts abound , cannot see across the street at times during these gusts which started again 15 minutes ago