Winter Weather 21/22

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Been snowing along the Canadian border now for several hrs , but started to really pick up at 10 with a 15 mph wind . The original prediction was for 6 inches .
How'd the Cats make out? Any XCD in play @Ripitz ?
This storm really shit the bed, it seems. Down in Southern Dutchess, despite the forecast 6-10, nothing but an icy mess. Only 10:40am and it looks like accumulating snow in the Cats has shut down. Only a couple inches in the forecast for the rest of the day here at Gore, with graupel mixing in. VT getting wind hammered.
This looked like 8 inches over a week ago (as predicted) and looks bang on?
How'd the Cats make out? Any XCD in play @Ripitz ?
Belleayre says 6”, Platty says 6-8” and DMC says Hunter got 10”. I haven’t been up in a while so I don’t know how much of the base got toasted. Plowing today. Hope to make it up there sometime midweek.
I guess, on the low end. Gore hasn’t hit 8” (yet). Looks like the Cats avoided sleet and freezing rain, that’s good. South of that the snow didn’t materialize, but we don’t need it there anyway. It’s decent day, but I was hoping for better. We’ll see how things ski this afternoon.
“While skiing” WF


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4-6 fell on Bell
then the freezing drizzle started around 9:30
it was good until then..I can't imagine platt escaped the zr
i bailed at 10:30
the snow set up like concrete
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