Windham Conditions

Have the Ikon Pass this year so went yesterday for a day trip. Wolverine was good, Warpath was solid, everything else was icy. Blacks on the east peak were some of the ice-coast-iest stuff i've skied. I had taken my kid to Mt. Peter for a lesson on Thursday and skied while there, they had dust-on-solid ice in many places but it was more edgeable and fun than a bunch of the trails at Windham.

I had modest expectations and I know the Catskills got a lot of rain the prior weekend followed by a deep freeze but honestly after seeing posts on here that Plattekill was looking good I was surprised to find ice everywhere.
Plattekill had some surprise (unforecast) lake enhanced snow (after the liquid precip) that I don't made it to Windham or Hunter.