
We’ve got the dang gypsy moth caterpillars down in the LoHud right now. Apparently they’re now called sponge moths because we don’t want to offend the gypsies. These thingies are everywhere. You can hear them munching away up in the trees and there’s so much poop coming down it sounds like rain. Little bastards got all down my shirt when I was mowing and lit me up real bad with their stinging hairs. It’s like a nightmare combination of itchy fiberglass and poison ivy that won’t go away. No bueno.
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This guy passes through every so often.

This guy passes through every so often.

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One time awhile ago we caught a bunch of nice trout at a camp at a softball party on the south end of Skaneateles lake. I took the stringer of fish up to the camp and placed em under bags of ice outside the camp then returned down to the lake. The folks who were hosting the party said don’t leave them there as a coon lives under the camp, would get in the camp and eat the dog’s food. Went back up and found the stringer with just bones left.
Dang bandits.
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I have noticed Brown Creepers on this dead White Pine several different times on my way to other places. This time I stopped and watched them tending to their nest, a under the loose bark at the top of the frame. I was fortunate to capture this image of both of them.
When mowing for the first time yesterday (participated in no mow May, it's fantastic), I noticed a duck in my yard. She has a nest under one of my pines in the front yard. The water sources aren't very close. I left her some water and try to water the lawn near her.

Any duck tips?