
Adult Bald Eagle launches
How did you get that shot?
I knew there was a deer carcass in the area and waited in my truck for the eagles to show up. Launch shots are my favorite so I compose the shot to give ample space to the most likely direction and wait for movement.
Settings 1/2000 sec @ f5.6 ISO 400
Canon 5DIV 600mm +1.4 convertor [840mm]
I knew there was a deer carcass in the area and waited in my truck for the eagles to show up. Launch shots are my favorite so I compose the shot to give ample space to the most likely direction and wait for movement.
Settings 1/2000 sec @ f5.6 ISO 400
Canon 5DIV 600mm +1.4 convertor [840mm]
How long did you have to sit?