
Turkeys, lots of turkeys



I know people that still won’t believe that they are capable of flight


Actually had quite a day for wildlife. I saw three middle aged bucks together in a neighbor‘s driveway- all of them with really impressive racks. I’ll never get used to mature bucks just hanging out In the suburbs, especially in groups. Just doesn’t seem natural. Then, on the same road I saw all the turkeys, I spotted some kind of weasel darting across the road. That’s gonna require some research, a marten maybe?
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Turkeys, lots of turkeys
Then, on the same road I saw all the turkeys, I spotted some kind of weasel darting across the road. That’s gonna require some research, a martin maybe?
Might’ve been a mink. How big was it?
Might’ve been a mink. How big was it?
2 - 2.5 times the size of a squirrel maybe? Smaller than a ground hog
edit: Looking at the DEC website, I’m leaning mink- about the right size, very dark fur …
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Somebody want to identify this?


My first thought was adolescent bald eagle but someone else suggested northern harrier hawk. Other ideas?