
That’s so cool. I flew a glider out of Sun Valley a few times. Most of my flights were sled rides but I was able to catch some lift off Red-tailed ridge. What an incredible experience it was to fly around with the birds. After a while they got tired of having me around and started bombing the canopy. They rule the sky in those parts.
Sharp talons and fabric ?
That’s so cool. I flew a glider out of Sun Valley a few times. Most of my flights were sled rides but I was able to catch some lift off Red-tailed ridge. What an incredible experience it was to fly around with the birds. After a while they got tired of having me around and started bombing the canopy. They rule the sky in those parts.
Hawks are jittery and seldom come in close but Eagles will come in on your flank and seem very curious.

Draco (my horse) and I heard some yipping this morning. Ok, he probably heard it way before I did. We saw a fox come out of the shrubs. The yipping was a second fox following it. They went back into the shrubs for a bit and ended up in an open part of the field. I haven't seen two foxes in a long time.
Draco (my horse) and I heard some yipping this morning. Ok, he probably heard it way before I did. We saw a fox come out of the shrubs. The yipping was a second fox following it. They went back into the shrubs for a bit and ended up in an open part of the field. I haven't seen two foxes in a long time.
They’re probably just out tryin to make baby foxes.
It’s that time of year.
I still get a kick out of seeing bald eagles when I’m out paddling, even though they’re a bit more common now. When I visited Homer in the nineties, there were dozens of them hanging out on the beach like a bunch of seagulls. I didn’t realize how huge they were j til I saw them up close. Pretty amazing.
wish i had better pics
beach in ketchikan
Picture 197.jpg