
Anyone living in bear country should read this book: Bear Attacks: Their Causes and Avoidance, by Stephen Herrero. It will help you be less worried about black bears and become more terrified of the griz.
I read that book one Summer living outside of Yellowstone in the Beartooth mountains. I think the book helped but I was still terrified living there. They are everywhere
Ha, I dodged about 20 or so hissing mama's and their goslings on my bike ride yesterday, almost bit it big time!
Check this out
Dang alligator snapping turtle.
They use their tongue has a wormy appendage to lure fish to eat.
Can stay under water for 50 min at a time and go up to 150 lbs.
Years ago on a trip to Myrtle Beach I looked up an old friend of my dad’s who was a pro at a course down there and we got together for a round. On one approach he tells me to stay clear of the pond on the right and it’s resident gator- the greens crew likes to feed it hard boiled eggs making ball retrieval quite a challenge! ?

Mama deer and her newborn fawn were hanging out in my front yard yesterday. They got spooked by something, mother deer took off into the brush across the road and the fawn just laid down. She watched me from across the street as I came up to get this shot. About a half hour later, she crossed back over the road and they both went on their way.