Whiteface expansion vs The Recent Court decision re: tree cutting

For me, the most significant item is in the table on page 29, regarding Lift G (Little Whiteface) and Lift H (Mountain Run). The action/improvement is "Replace double chair with with quad" and the current status is "Approved in 1996, not yet implemented. Construction proposed for 2022." It's unclear from the UMP, but my assumption is that the plan is to replace the two lifts with a single quad, with a mid-station in the current location of the terminus of the Mountain Run chair and mid-station of the Little Whiteface chair. It would be great if that actually happens next year!!!
What's a WF lift without a mid-station? WF seems to be doing a lot of UMPs lately. I wonder if they put that much effort into how they're going to staff these lifts? Is there enough power for a couple new quads? Who's going to make the snow on these new trails?
I don't see a whole lot of value in the new lift, even for the beginner skiers the proposal is supposedly targeting. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, just that it seems like a big expense that isn't really necessary. Currently, beginner skiers can take the Face Lift and then use Easy Street to get to the terminus of the new lift. Easy Street is definitely the easiest part of any route from the mid-station lodge down. I suspect there's an alternate agenda here, that is, to transport non-skiers to the mid-station lodge. This would be useful for events held on Wilderness, should they be able to get World Cup moguls competitions back at Whiteface. It would also be useful in the summer, so that the mid-station lodge could be used as a venue or weddings, etc.
I agree. I think a cabrio style gondola to link the base of Bear Den with the main base area would be sufficient. Less capex that way and you don't need to find shuttle drivers who can pass the piss tests.
Creating an actual Yellow Dot trail from Victoria to Lower Skyward is definitely a good idea, in order to give people an easier way down than Victoria. There's no doubt in my mind ... Victoria is one of the scariest trails at Whiteface if you're a novice skier who wandered over there without realizing what you were getting into. Note, from a purely selfish perspective, I'll be sorry to see the existing Yellow Dot converted into a real trail, and will be sorry to see increased traffic on Lower Skyward, but ... it's not all about me.
Word, dog.
I think there’s something to that Camp.
Cuomo appointed the owner of this place last year to the APA.
He chairs the state-land subcommittee of the APA.
Comes from old Bloomingdales $ and lives in NY city.
That's a nice Camp.
Cuomo appointed the owner of this place last year to the APA.
He chairs the state-land subcommittee of the APA.
Comes from old Bloomingdales $ and lives in NY city.
That's a nice Camp.
Governor just appointed him to chair the APA.
Movin on up.
Whiteface is clearly working within the parameters of the NYS Constitution.
Van Ho still ain’t.
There was a discussion about the things going on at Van Ho at ORDA’s board meeting yesterday.
Van Ho still ain’t.
There was a discussion about the things going on at Van Ho at ORDA’s board meeting yesterday.
More nonsense about creating issues where no issues exist. Mt Van Ho is also classified as intensive use.

"The Mount Van Hoevenberg Olympic Sports Complex is located in the Town of North Elba, Essex County, approximately seven miles southeast of the Village of Lake Placid. The area is classified as Intensive Use pursuant to the Adirondack Park State Land Master Plan."

I do not agree with how ORDA spends money at Mt Van Ho, but let's not pretend that this is a Forever Wild area. It is a 3.08 acre Intensive Use area that they are clearing. I guess clowns like William Janeway, executive director of the Adirondack Council, and Peter Bauer, executive director of Protect the Adirondacks have to find something to justify the existence of their environmental clubs. They continue to forget that people live, work, and play in the Adk Park. I guarantee that expanding Mt Van Ho by 3.08 acres will do nothing to disrupt the rest of the 6 million acre Adk Park.
They continue to forget that people live, work, and play in the Adk Park.

This is the truth! They DO NOT GIVE TWO F's about the people who live inside the blue line. As long as locals are available to take care of their "camps", that's all they give a shit about.

Gawd I can't stand obstruction groups. Someday soon I hope they take a wicked hard fall off of their high horses!
Agree with what y’all say but why are the lawyering folks spending time on a State Constitutional amendment then?
Didn’t ORDA/Gore/Front Street go thru a land swap recently of "forest preserve” land?

ORDA wired Van Ho with coaxial cable & Warner Bros is planning shows there for the next few years. ORDA’s chieftess also said yesterday they're gonna carve out an “events department" next year.
Agree with what y’all say but why are the lawyering folks spending time on a State Constitutional amendment then?
Didn’t ORDA/Gore/Front Street go thru a land swap recently of "forest preserve” land?

No, you are incorrect. The swapped land belonged to the Town of Johnsburg, not NYS, so no Forest Preserve land involved.
Victoria is one of the scariest trails at Whiteface if you're a novice skier who wandered over there without realizing what you were getting into.

YES !!!!! My kids zip down it and have to wait for me to take my wide turns - ha !