Whiteface Conditions

Took a few runs this morning ... surface conditions were ok, but nothing to get too excited about.

Still very limited terrain, and the snowmaking effort is still woefully inadequate. They continue to make snow on "parts" of trails ... it's very hard to understand the logic. I assume there are still issues with the system, but I haven't heard anything definite.

All in all, it's just very disappointing and frustrating, but not at all surprising.

In most years, I would already have about 10 - 15 ski days by now ... This year, I have about 4, and all of those have been 2 or 3 runs and quit ... it's simply not worth the effort.
I heard from a reliable source that the hodgepodge of guns going at WF is because there is a variety of functional pipes, staffing issues and other constraints. At least one of the "new" pumps blew (not sure if it is repairable). "New" because the pumps are at least a few years old.
Ski day 6 @ Whiteface today. Man I'm sick of excelsior! Guns going on mountain run, lower north way and boreen.
To say drapers open is a joke u can ski the drop from tom cat down. With some grooming paronns could open soon? Come on Whiteface get you're shit together! Blow some snow on lower Mac and it could open.
Guns back on Mountain Run. Some guns on Paron's. Overheard that both may be opened in the next couple of days. Lower Northway groomed at the top, but not wall-to-wall coverage.
Went back over this morning and took a few more runs. It's still pretty hard to get too excited about it, and most of the people I know, and have talked to, feel the same way. The "it's just not worth the effort" feeling seems to be more contagious than COVID.

In what may be the first bright spot of the season, however, conditions were a little bit better today than they've been, though there were some areas that were still pretty bad.

They opened Lower Northway, which if nothing else, at least spreads a little bit of the load coming off of Little Whiteface. It was frozen granular, and there were some "narrow" sections that you had to be mindful of. Maybe with a little snow and some more grooming, they'll be able to even things out a bit. It would have been nice if Essex had been blown at the same time to spread things out even more. The first part of Excelsior is still getting WAY too much traffic.

They widened the snow on the first pitch of Boreen ... yesterday, it was insanely narrow, particularly given the ability level of most of the people on it. Overall, the surface was also better than it was yesterday, but there were still some parts that need better grooming.

They're finally blowing what I would call a decent amount of snow on Mountain Run, and they're also blowing on Thruway. No doubt, Thruway is being blown so that the racers have a place to go. From the looks of it, I would think Mountain Run could be open tomorrow, though there may only be enough snow to open the skier's left side of the lift line. At this point, anything would be an improvement!

Paron's Run is also getting some snowmaking. It's hard to judge how close that it to being skiable ... maybe this weekend ... I guess we'll have to wait and see.

If we get some snow from tonight's storm, that would go a long way towards helping out with "resurfacing" on some of the trails that have been completely over-used for weeks now.

Finally ... the mountain is a ghost town ... I can't believe how few people there are. The only place there's a wait is at the gondola, and I don't bother with that, so I don't know how long the wait is. The Face Lift and Little Whiteface chairs have been essentially "ski on" for the past two days. At most, you might wait 3 or 4 chairs.

For those concerned about COVID precautions, overall, from what I've seen, it's been pretty good. Most people do seem to be wearing masks and following the rules. A big part of that may be due to this being a black out period for locals. In the earlier part of the season, when there were more problems, it was pretty apparent that a lot of the people who were not following the rules were local people. It will be interesting to see how things go once the black out period ends, which I'm assuming is on Sunday.
Looks like Coronavirus may keep my family from making the annual MLK trip to Placid/Whiteface for the first time in more than 20 years.
Of course there's still two weeks to go, but unless there's a SIGNIFICANT turn-around, in all honesty, you won't be missing much ... at least not as far as the skiing is concerned.

The forecast over the next week is pretty good for snowmaking, but they still have SO much to do, and it's hard to guess what they're going to do next. Are they going to try to add more trails? Increase base depths? Blow a ton of snow on Brookside to build a terrain park?

They might be able to get Skyward open by then, but then again, who knows ... they could blow another snowmaking line up there (like what happened last season).

If you can get tickets, and don't have any concerns about travel restrictions, I would think that going out west would probably be the better option.
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On IG WF was promising some summit by Thursday.
From what I could see today, I'd expect Paron's Run to be open well before Thursday, but I guess that may also depend on staffing and things like that. It certainly looks like there's enough snow up there.
From what I could see today, I'd expect Paron's Run to be open well before Thursday,

What I said was kind of misleading. Someone who was clearly coming next Thursday said

"Will you have summit terrain open by next Thursday?"

"The answer was not "most definitely" but something like "very likely" which I am guessing is ORDA-speak for "Yes."