Whiteface Conditions

Inside of the new mid-station. A floor plan is posted that indicates the area behind those vending machines adds about another third to the square footage that's accessible now.
I was in there Saturday, it's really nice. Kind of perfect that it's not done yet, in a way.

Thanks for the pics, my indoor shots came out crappy.
I was digging the exterior siding...either Woodtone type product or Hardi cement board....used this material on my LP build...went with the Woodtone. The finish supposedly holds up fpr 20 yrs...time will tell. Interior architecture at mid is realy nice.
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Uphill Policy announced... :unsure:

Uphill Policy announced... :unsure:

$129. for a season uphill pass?? Seems pretty steep for only 3 days/week. Anyone know how much it ran last year?
Ouch! That’s terrible. If I recall correctly it only used to be like $25. That’s total bs, $129. I’ve gotten an uphill pass several years. Not this time...talk about gouging!
All the mountains are dealing with:

  • Too many skiers
  • Not enough revenue

Day tickets are way up across the country.

I think both reactions are logical, the mountain's reaction and the skier's reaction. Seems like they are trying to reduce both supply and demand.