Whiteface Conditions

The other day at the local mini market they couldn’t figure out how to get the card reader register thingy to work and I was next in line. After waiting a couple minutes a simple suggestion to just use the other unused register was not met with kindness. Put the stuff back and drove across town to the other one, in and out in a minute.
Could be nuts too.
Contrary to what some of my posts seem to indicate, I'm very patient and willing to wait in lines, however, that patience and willingness is directly related to the following:

Is what I'm waiting for worth it? Is it going to make me happy or solve a problem that I'm having? Do I need it? If so, then I'll wait patiently.

Why am I waiting? Is there enough staff? Are things (computers, lifts, etc) working? If the wait is due to the demand exceeding the capacity, and they're operating at full capacity, then once again, I'll wait patiently.

That's not to say that I like it, or that I won't try to find ways to avoid it, like using a singles line, but I'll certainly put up with it.
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That's not to say that I like it, or that I won't try to find ways to avoid it, like using a singles line, but I'll certainly put up with it.
Yeah, that whole post makes sense to me.

My problem in understanding other’s frustrations is that I’ve been there, on holiday weekends, with great conditions, the mountain operating at full efficiency. With those circumstances why wouldn’t I wait in a 10 or 15 minute line once or twice, while skiing on lifts most other times? Heck, you would too.

Change any of those parameters and it becomes more frustrating, I get that.

I still don’t get the general idea of leaving and driving across town or across the state. Sure, there may have been mitigating factors for someone like Sno, who last weekend drove all the way from WF to Gore to avoid some time in WF lines. However, he very well may have spent more time driving (and missing skiing) than he would have spent waiting in WF’s longer lift lines. Or the drive to another supermarket example. How much time did putting groceries back, driving across town, shopping again, and then (gasp) waiting in line at the new place take? Did you really save any time? I understand that isn’t the proper question. Stand on principle and don’t support the business that can’t get their shit together, ok. However, I’m not inclined to do that it it costs me more time. I’m weak and selfish like that, I suppose!
Contrary to what some of my posts seem to indicate, I'm very patient and willing to wait in lines, however, that patience and willingness is directly related to the following:

Is what I'm waiting for worth it? Is it going to make me happy or solve a problem that I'm having? Do I need it? If so, then I'll wait patiently.

Why am I waiting? Is there enough staff? Are things (computers, lifts, etc) working? If the wait is due to the demand exceeding the capacity, and they're operating at full capacity, then once again, I'll wait patiently.

That's not to say that I like it, or that I won't try to find ways to avoid it, like using a singles line, but I'll certainly put up with it.
Couldn't agree more with everything said.

Side note, if I'm in line for a stopped lift and see a ski doo approaching, I'm the first one gone.