Whiteface Conditions

Oh whiteface. You have the
So the 18 + 2 is legit you'd say? Was surprised when I saw the report...didn't think way north was getting that much.
They got that much. It blew off of the summit and landed across the street.
So the 18 + 2 is legit you'd say? Was surprised when I saw the report...didn't think way north was getting that much.
Hard to say for sure, because there's been so much wind, but there's definitely a lot of snow ... not quite sure about 18 + 2, but probably not too far from that. I didn't venture into the trees at all, or Upper Cloud, or anything like that. Looking at Hoyt's High from the Face Lift, it looked like it could probably be skied on the natural snow. Also, there were tracks under the Freeway chair ... There was plenty of snow there. Lower Mac had plenty of snow on it, though there were a lot of "push piles" ... As I mentioned in my previous post, I didn't get to the top of Little Whiteface, so no idea how Essex, Upper Northway and that part of the mountain was.
Hard to say for sure, because there's been so much wind, but there's definitely a lot of snow ... not quite sure about 18 + 2, but probably not too far from that. I didn't venture into the trees at all, or Upper Cloud, or anything like that. Looking at Hoyt's High from the Face Lift, it looked like it could probably be skied on the natural snow. Also, there were tracks under the Freeway chair ... There was plenty of snow there. Lower Mac had plenty of snow on it, though there were a lot of "push piles" ... As I mentioned in my previous post, I didn't get to the top of Little Whiteface, so no idea how Essex, Upper Northway and that part of the mountain was.
Sounds pretty promising...maybe some light snow this wknd too
Having never skied them, where do the sugar valley glades exit? From the trail map it looks like flying squirrel at bear den.
There’s a little drainage with a track that funnels you back to the Wilmington trail. If you cross it you can get a little bonus that dumps you at the top of the triple
Skied the face.

It was terrific as always. My only complaint is that, with the Lookout chair not running and my partner's not completely unfounded reluctance to go inside a gondola, there's only one summit available. I felt like I was doing laps when I really wanted to be exploring. I completely understand not running the Little Whiteface chair for financial reasons on weekdays when the gondola takes you to the same spot but I can't help but think that a lot of folks want to get to other peaks and can't. Could be just me.
Anyone know if they’re working on getting the Lookout area (Hoyt’s, Lookout Below, Wilmington) opened up?