
It’s the season.
Thanks for that. R E K is great. My all time favorite song.
I heard The Highwaymen’s cover of The Road Goes on Forever first on a CD my friend gave me for Christmas on trip up to go Gore in his truck.
Never heard the accompanying story REK told till today...
? ? high how it actually works:"From the article:
"We found that acute exercise consistently boosted endocannabinoid levels across studies. The effects were most consistent for a chemical messenger known as anandamide – the so-called “bliss” molecule, which was named, in part, for its positive effects on mood.

Interestingly, we observed this exercise-related boost in endocannabinoids across different types of exercise, including running, swimming and weightlifting, and across individuals with and without preexisting health conditions.
There are still a lot of questions about the links between endocannabinoids and beneficial effects from exercise. For example, we didn’t see consistent effects for how a chronic exercise regimen, such as a six-week cycling program, might affect resting endocannabinoid levels. Likewise, it isn’t yet clear what the minimum amount of exercise is to get a boost in endocannabinoids, and how .
This is a short interview of the dude who first discovered cannabinoid receptor(s) and also anandamide.

I think they should just legalize it and let people grow it as they please...”, Bill said.

“I liked making the word up. That was the most fun part. Ananda is the saki word for happiness or bliss.”,
William stated.
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