Tuckerman Ravine 4.14.13

This is the "medical issue" that prevented my son and I from summiting on our second attempt mentioned above. He was in his first year of college and looked like shit when he got home. I forced him to drink water the whole drive up the night before and that morning but it apparently wasn't enough, he passed out on the hike up the tuckerman trail. He got his shit together enough to hike back down and, being father of the year, dropped his sorry ass back at the hotel in North Conway and went back and hiked up to at least ski the Sherbie.

Still smiling on the down-hike though
my trip was totally humiliating ..I was so f'd up on the summit my wife had ask a nice couple to drive us back to pinkham..
I proceed to vomit another 10 times on the way down. I passed out in the car , on the way back to cape cod i came to and manged to drink a gator aide. In a half hour i was among the living.
My pack has a sub and 6 pack of bud in it. genius packed no water. during the hike up i'm lapping water out of the streams like a dog. someone yells out your gonna get beaver fever. I'm thinking beaver fever or dehydration, either way i am a dead man. turned out to be a great day. skied one run and polished the 6 pack off on the rocks. great party up there
Hiked on the AT from Spinger Mountain Ga to outside of Roanoke Va. for a couple months in the spring of ’77. Met some folks who hiked up to the trail from Rome Ga. & had brought bottles of bourbon and had cases of beer chilling in spring water near where we set up camp. Nobody made it too far the next day but sitting around the campfire was fun and still remembered.
Worse than pissing in the wind...
I pissed all over my face once. I was hiking up Snowdon in Whales and was high up on a ridge when I had to go. I was by myself and no one was around so I stopped for a quick one. Sure enough a gust of wind came along for a big surprise. It was shockingly funny and pouring rain so I hysterically laughed it off. It was a good mood lifter as I had been anxious the whole hike until then. I had a late start and being solo made me nervous in a foreign land. Turns out that was the fun part. I summited in thick fog and started down the other side. I lost the cairns that marked the trail so I started going cross country to find a trail that the map showed downhill. Shit started getting steep and it was slow going. I started hearing some sheep so I headed their way figuring they were on good ground. Instead of hiking I was now down climbing cliffs. I could hear the flock in the distance growing closer as I inched my way down. I finally found the loudest one. It was cliffed out and stuck like me. I hung out with my new friend for a little bit but didn’t chat for long as it was now getting dark. Started downclimbing using the bellwether as my guide. Found the flock and the trail just as I dropped below the fog. Booked it miles to the nearest road in the dark. I was so happy to find that road and was content with walking through the night if necessary. Luckily a lone car came along and I hitched it back to town which was many miles away. Made it to a pub for one of the best pints I’ve ever had.