Today's Ride

You guys know my crappy Giant it's like an $800 maybe it was $1100 I don't know. It's a Giant Talon 2. So when I ride through these woods, those jumps that the RA commented on, those are made by a bunch of kids who are pretty motivated to ride and jump.

I overheard them today. It was funny because they were giving me shit about my she she bike, like Mr. Fancy pants with his Giant Talon.

Today's horse
I pretty much just pedal and daydream. I don't think they'd be too impressed!
I pretty much just pedal and daydream. I don't think they'd be too impressed!
And make phone calls. That’s impressive.

Go big or go home!
Awesome evening, I was actually a little cold during our post ride beer!
Will need to charge up the lights next week
There have been a bunch of deaths and subsequent law suits beginning to pile up on these electric mobility devices. Anyone operating one needs to understand the responsibility and risk assumed with operating a device capable of hitting speeds up to and in some cases over 40mph while in the mix with automobile traffic. State and local governments are just choosing not to acknowledge the need for regulation. It is all very interesting, at the end of the day these are mobility devices and not toy's and yet everyone wants to go about treating them and using them as if they are toy's with zero consequence associated with their operation.
Do ebikes make a noise (like a Prius) to alert pedestrians to their presence?