Today's Ride

Love the dedication
I stopped winter riding
But in a e-bike it could be cool
Thanks. Really enjoying the winter riding. Not enough to buy a fatty but I'll do it when I can on the Levo. Doesn't look like I'm gonna find 3" studded tires but 2.6-2.8 shouldn't be an issue. Just deciding what to do. Managing all the slippery off camber roots was a lot of work yesterday.

The big issue I need to solve is to cover the bike when it's on the rack. Picked up an obnoxious amount of slush driving 8 miles to the trail head. Wondering if those covers like this are any good. If anyone knows I'd appreciate the info.
I have a cover
They work pretty good
Can but a lot of stress on rack and trailer hitxh
But you only drive a short diistancs
I have a cover
They work pretty good
Can but a lot of stress on rack and trailer hitxh
But you only drive a short diistancs
Yeah I think I've ditched the idea of the cover because of the stress and the bike is already heavy enough. But in case I decide to go that way, do you know what make/model of cover you have? My other option is to just take the front wheel off and put it in my SUV but at >50lbs that takes a lot of 💪

Why? Pedaling keeps you warm.
I'll still pick up road crap and salt--- exactly what I'm trying to avoid. Also I won't ride on roads except certain roads and for very short distance. I don't trust the drivers out there--- lots of inattention.
I use this cover from Team Obsidian.

Mostly use it at a trailhead if I’m biking to a hike. Keeps the rain and snow off and might deter theft.

I have used it on a hitch rack but it severely limits the view of your rear lights. People can’t really see your signals. Might not be too much of a problem during the day for a quickie but would be a deal breaker on long trips especially those at night.

Probably best to take off the front wheel, take out the battery to lighten the bike and stuff it in the back.
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Last ride of the year. Not mad about staying away from the hill and avoiding the crowds due to the purchase of a restricted season pass. Ready for the the cold front now.

That's a great photo. Would you share the location and trail system?
This was taken on the Ringwood-Ramapo Trail (Red Blaze) in Ramapo Mountain State Forest. The photo is near the intersection with the Green Blaze trail that shows up as "Old Guard" on Trailforks (I've never known it by that name). I could go on for days about how the three contiguous parks (Ramapo, Ringwood and Sterling) offer the best MTB experience in the NY Metro area and Lower Hudson Valley Region. @jasonwx can back me up on that. Not many people have it on their list of MTB destinations but it is worthy of a visit. Two full days of riding will hardly scratch the surface. Check out these videos to get a sense of the diversity of trail we have here,

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This was taken on the Ringwood-Ramapo Trail (Red Blaze) in Ramapo Mountain State Forest. The photo is near the intersection with the Green Blaze trail that shows up as "Old Guard" on Trailforks (I've never known it by that name). I could go on for days about how the three contiguous parks (Ramapo, Ringwood and Sterling) offer the best MTB experience in the NY Metro area and Lower Hudson Valley Region. @jasonwx can back me up on that. Not many people have it on there list of MTB destinations but it is worthy of a visit. Two full days of riding will hardly scratch the surface. Check out these videos to get a sense of the diversity of trail we have here,

I agree 100%
Definitely destination worthy.
Some of the best riding in the country.
And we have good pizza close by to boot