To Heat, or Not to Heat, That is the Question

Pellet stove has been on and off now for the past week. When nighttime temps dip in the 30's (past 2 nights) I run it during the night, then turn it off when I get up in the AM.
We can work the gas and wood burning fireplaces, but those aren’t necessarily the areas we spend the most time in…
Whether ‘tis nobler in the body to suffer the shivers and sweatshirts of a cold home, or to take arms against the chills, and by turning on the heat end them…..

I suppose the answer is different for everyone (geography and all)….but how long do you all hold out on turning on the heat? Trying to wait until the calendar says November here, but with the house currently at 63 it’s getting tough…..
I Turn the heat on
I work to damn hard to freeze my ass off
That's exactly how I like it; however, my wife complains -- especially about the 62 or 63 degrees during the day.
While we like the daytime temp around 70, in the winter we set the thermostat lower while we sleep, but have it kick on before we get up. Don’t like waking up cold!
Turn it on now to test it out!
If it needs parts you might have to wait a while. I just drove 40 miles one way to pick up some flexible duct.
While we like the daytime temp around 70, in the winter we set the thermostat lower while we sleep, but have it kick on before we get up. Don’t like waking up cold!
61 at night
if we are home 67 day time

A/C --71 at night
75 if we are home
Hey Camp. How reliable has the pellet stove been? I hear the hoppers and augers hang up frequently.
I believe that to be the case if you get a cheap on. One from Lowes, Tractor Supply, or any big box store.
I bought mine in 2013 and have done a thing to it other than have it cleaned once a year by the dealer I got it from. It's key to clean it once a week during the heating season. I bought an Enviro stove, you can get parts for them when needed. Most of the cheaper ones you have to toss out when the break due to not being able to get parts.
My stove was $3500.00 almost ten years ago. They're more money, and better now.
I would definitely get another one.