The Ugh Thread

I'm fine. Zelda took me to the ER, I think it's in the wife handbook to insist on it.

They kept asking me where it hurt and on a scale of 1 to 10. I pointed to my whole body and said "it hurts zero."

I'd rather not explain it more than that right now. I did something stupid and it is going cost me.

@Temp6 has agreed to help with a piece on Plattekill from tomorrow, and @ADKmike has offered to write on the WF and/or The Slides if it happens. That will cheer me up.

Rip it people, and post some pics.
Glad everyone is OK. No matter how old and experienced we become on the road, we all do something stupid once in a while. If it's only your car that paid the price, that's the best outcome.
I moved all my whining about my accident here to clean up the "skiing this week" thread.

Some modest good news tonight. On the advice of a long time local (she's the town clerk) I showed up at Thursday night traffic court. It wasn't even my court date.

She said, don't get a lawyer. Show up 30 mins early and ask to speak to the prosecutor. Tell him the truth.

I did it. I told him what happened. He agreed that the "improper lane change" ticket was piling on. He felt the other ticket, the "careless driving" WAS the improper lane change. He said I'll get that one tossed.

Then he said he thought he could get the careless driving reduced to "unsafe driving." He explained it's a revenue game, where you trade money for points. Basically the unsafe driving comes with no points, but an extra $250 surcharge paid to the state.

Turns out the judge knows my dad. After it was all done he asked if I knew John. Yea he's my dad. Well I painted your house when I was in school. Is your dad still alive? Yes he's 90, but basically pretty happy.

My dad helped him out when he was a young patrolman, and in law school. They were actually on the town council together. That couldn't have hurt. Maybe TJ is right and my luck is turning.

So a big fine ($450) but no points, when I was looking at four points originally. Small victory.
Heading to Syracuse Sunday will be undergoing a 5hr Cardiac Ablation procedure Monday to correct a Stable A Flutter fast Heart Rate .

As some know this came on at Christmas and we have been waiting for St Joe's to schedule it.

This issue usually occurs several yrs after Bypass surgery ,in my case it's been 14 yrs .it showed up about 5years ago and was easily controlled by Rx,but the drugs after awhile often lose their effectiveness to regulate

So this procedure is 90 %success rate for A Flutter and precludes any implant. It will take some time to see if it's effective 6/8 weeks so fingers crossed.
Heading to Syracuse Sunday will be undergoing a 5hr Cardiac Ablation procedure Monday to correct a Stable A Flutter fast Heart Rate .

As some know this came on at Christmas and we have been waiting for St Joe's to schedule it.

This issue usually occurs several yrs after Bypass surgery ,in my case it's been 14 yrs .it showed up about 5years ago and was easily controlled by Rx,but the drugs after awhile often lose their effectiveness to regulate

So this procedure is 90 %success rate for A Flutter and precludes any implant. It will take some time to see if it's effective 6/8 weeks so fingers crossed.
You'll be in my thoughts, Coach.
Best wishes.
Aw you guys are the best, I have a high degree of confidence in my doctor at St Joe's he's rated the top electrophysiologist in the region. Fortunately I haven't been experiencing hardly any symptoms at all just a little out of breath if I exert so I'm expecting a good outcome.

My son was home for 4 days this week and my daughter is driving over from Boston Sunday to be with her mom during this process so we're in good hands all the way around but I do appreciate the kind thoughts.
Aw you guys are the best, I have a high degree of confidence in my doctor at St Joe's he's rated the top electrophysiologist in the region. Fortunately I haven't been experiencing hardly any symptoms at all just a little out of breath if I exert so I'm expecting a good outcome.

My son was home for 4 days this week and my daughter is driving over from Boston Sunday to be with her mom during this process so we're in good hands all the way around but I do appreciate the kind thoughts.
Let me know if ya need anything. Warp, I’ll drop ya off a pan of blueberry-graham cracker crumbler if ya want.
Should help with recuperation and goes down easy with vanilla ice cream.
The nurses are nice too.
Let me know if ya need anything. Warp, I’ll drop ya off a pan of blueberry-graham cracker crumbler if ya want.
Should help with recuperation and goes down easy with vanilla ice cream.
The nurses are nice too.
Yer a good dude Tski !!! If all goes well and I expect it will cuz my Electrician ,
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