The Definitive Solution to the Upstate NY Question

Most upstaters live in depressing little rust belt cities whose best days were in the 60s.
True dat but if yer outside the cities ya might not be not depressed.

We now got a Prez and governor who’er both Cuse grads and the new governor is an Upstater.

Let the good times roll.
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Eerie Canal is upstate for sure.
The Museum about it is in central upstate.
Ya can go the the Eerie Eats exhibit displays virtually here.
. Most upstaters live in depressing little rust belt cities whose best days were in the 60s.
Why do you hate America? ?

The food & beer & wine & free concerts & technology & recreational opportunities & events are way better than they were in the 60s. Way more food options, too (Vietnamese, Indian, Thai, etc.). Buffalo & Rochester have cool areas, good minor league baseball, tree-lined suburbs, and high qualities of life (and those high-qualities of life are available to more people than they were in the 50s & 60s).

Pining for days of yore is some get-off-my-lawn shit.
Ha! Good points. I wasn’t pining for days of yore- just for a more vibrant economy. The air and water is much better quality then it was back then also. And I’m totally willing to acknowledge that things are getting better here and there. The downtown of Beacon is way less depressing than it was twenty years ago
Weed too

A pint of beer was $3.75, now it’s $13.75
I’ll have to take your word on the weed quality. I don’t smoke. As far as the price of a pint, I feel ya. At least you’re probably getting a pretty good beer for $13.75