The bcXCD Thread

Definitely a couple good days in there. 37F @1000' and raining. 27F and ice pelting @300'. Road treacherous.


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I hope your shots are up to date.
Hers are.
Didn’t injest. Hence spit. Twas reflexive, but something remembered.
She rarely spits, but I remember the once she hit me on the lips.
She’s a nice cat the aunts adopted for my mother when she was older.
We never had a cat and they thought she needed one. It’s a great cat.

Spit Cat Spit is an interesting name.
What kind of trail is it?
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Gottta make hay when the sun shines... RR track ski form the house Saturday afternoon with about 5" fresh

Was deeeep in spots from Tuesday leftovers

Technical crick crossing

Objective was the Johnston Estate site, former Bethlehem Steel VP and Bethlehem's first mayor. Lime kilns and exterior restoration of mansion, around 6 miles out and back (Epochs/Alaskas)


How often does a train come down that track? Ever?
How often does a train come down that track? Ever?
Once or twice a day, it used to be one freight train south one day and would return North the next but I haven't paid attention lately. It's a fairly populated area with a lot of crossings - I walk down my road and crossed two others within 3 or so miles, so they go slow with a lot of whistles